Low in calories, this fruit found only in summer is perfect for strengthening bones

Summer is approaching and with it, the arrival of a wide variety of seasonal fruits. One of them in particular is perfect for strengthening your bones. Consuming it this summer will only do good.

With summer arriving, it is also the start of the ultimate fruit season. The perfect time to enjoy some of them that are not available the rest of the year. In addition to their delicious taste, they can be good for the body. One of them is particularly recommended for its health benefits.

First of all, it is one of the lowest calorie fruits, particularly because it is full of water. Its sugar content is much lower than other fruits. Conversely, its contribution in vitamins C and E, which contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system, is very important. It is also rich in manganese, an element which is involved in the synthesis of collagen. The latter is essential in the strength of bones and joints.

A 100 g portion of this fruit covers 70% of the daily manganese requirement. He has even anti-inflammatory properties: with its potassium and magnesium content, this fruit helps relax muscles. This berry also promotes intestinal transit, allowing better digestion. And this fruit with many virtues is the blackberry, which is in peak season from the end of July to October.

A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition has notably demonstrated that blackberries can have a protective effect on the brain, notably fighting against cognitive aging. Its daily consumption can thus help prevent certain diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. Its anthocyanin content, pigments which give dark color, also helps reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

“The interest of blackberries is that they provide a wide variety of antioxidants which act in synergy, there is no competition between them,” explains dietician Caroline Gayet to Top health.

Be careful, if you buy blackberries, you must eat them quickly. They can only be kept for 2 to 3 days in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator. If you buy them in the supermarket, make sure they are intact and not crushed. They can nevertheless be frozen: “Freezing and cooking do not alter the antioxidant levels, except for vitamin C which is sensitive to heat”, warns Caroline Gayet.

It is still preferable to eat blackberries raw to benefit from all their benefits. If you prefer to collect them from the wild, do not pick them too low to avoid them being soiled or affected by animal urine. It is even recommended to rinse them before consumption.



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