Increase in cases of whooping cough in Quebec: “this is reflected in our clinic on a daily basis”

Increase in cases of whooping cough in Quebec: “this is reflected in our clinic on a daily basis”
Increase in cases of whooping cough in Quebec: “this is reflected in our clinic on a daily basis”

For the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing cases of whooping cough skyrocket in Quebec.

On Sunday, 1,171 confirmed cases of whooping cough and 305 probable cases were recorded, while the last whooping cough epidemic dates back to 2019. According to Public Health, there is a whooping cough epidemic every two to five years.

This new increase could be explained in particular by a lack of adherence to the vaccination schedule due to the pandemic. Parents are therefore advised to ensure that their child’s vaccinations are up to date.

“We have had quite a few consultations from people who fear having symptoms or who have been in contact, especially at school. And some of these cases are indeed positive. We actually see a certain number of them, so it shows in our clinic on a daily basis,” explained Dr. Benoit Heppell, family doctor, in an interview with TVA Nouvelles.

Children with whooping cough usually have a low-grade fever, runny nose, red eyes, watery eyes, and often uncontrollable coughing.

“We certainly see several cases which have different information from different environments, whether daycares or schools, that there are cases of whooping cough. So, they come here with concerns that are quite significant,” mentioned Dr. Mher Barbarian, medical director of UP pediatric emergency center.



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