VIDEO – Breast cancer: AI, radiologists’ new weapon against the disease

Nothing will ever replace the doctor at Saint-Joseph hospital in , but for a year now, Dr. Alix Ruocco has been assisted in her tasks by an assistant with the memory of an elephant. “The AI ​​is never tired,” explains the doctor. The software is trained with millions of mammogram images and therefore has the capacity to alert when microlesions are detected on a patient’s breast.

AI, a tireless assistant for radiologists

“It’s as if we were working in pairs, as if there were two readings, a co-pilot and the radiologist. And that is the purpose of artificial intelligence coupled with the radiologist, it is to win in all detection. We see smaller lesions, we can treat them more quickly with lighter therapies,” explains the radiologist.

Real-time analysis: the power of AI for diagnosis

The AI ​​reads and analyzes the patient’s mammograms. These images are immediately compared in near real time with the database. The doctor thus has valuable help in making his diagnosis and therefore preventing the development of the disease as early as possible.

AI makes it possible to see smaller lesions © Television

Today, in France, a little less than a quarter of mammograms are carried out with the help of artificial intelligence. A valuable tool when we know that one in eight French women are affected by breast cancer in their lifetime.




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