the government is launching a parliamentary mission to better manage this physiological phenomenon

Although menopause affects 14 million women in , the subject remains “taboo”, Emmanuel Macron admitted in May.

Published on 18/10/2024 17:57

Updated on 18/10/2024 18:06

Reading time: 1min

Macronist MP Stéphanie Rist in the National Assembly, April 9, 2024. (STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP)
Macronist MP Stéphanie Rist in the National Assembly, April 9, 2024. (STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP)

The Ministry of Health announced, Friday October 18, the launch of a parliamentary mission on menopause, on the occasion of the world day dedicated to this physiological phenomenon which concerns 14 million women in France. The head of state, Emmanuel Macron, said he was in favor in May of such a mission on this “taboo” of society, in order to establish “the state of play of care (…) and the difficulties encountered by women in terms of information and monitoring”.

The mission was entrusted to Macronist MP Stéphanie Rist, member of the Assembly’s social affairs committee. She must respond to “three main issues” : “highlight the symptoms and consequences of menopause on the daily life and physical and mental health of women”, strengthen the preventive approach et “enlighten the government on current health care for menopause”details the ministry.

The proposals that will be drawn from this mission, which will be “carried out by involving all stakeholders, in particular the National College of French gynecologists and obstetricians”are expected in spring 2025.



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