“we only saw four people in the morning”

“we only saw four people in the morning”
“we only saw four people in the morning”

Arlette Deflandre keeps smiling and sees the positive despite everything. Thursday October 10, 2024, the treasurer of the League against cancer of the Ardennes, was at Fumay hospital for a day of prevention and consultations without appointment, accompanied by caregivers and students from the Nursing Training Institute.

A day turned upside down by the weather conditions. “ We only saw four people in the morning, probably because of the bad weather. In the afternoon, we were able to talk with ten women, talk about prevention and direct them to the midwife. It doesn’t matter how many women you touch, as long as you’ve touched them. »

Gynecological consultations in Fumay

After the consultation, five patients were referred by the professional to have a mammogram of the smoke site. “ It is possible to make an appointment all year round at the hospital for gynecological consultations and breast examinations », Indicates Arlette Deflandre.

Mammography is recommended for women aged 50 to 74, every two years. “ Regular breast palpation is also recommended. » For younger women, “ if there is no family history, you should consult your gynecologist ».

The League Against Cancer volunteer will be present at the health forum at the Fumay social center, Saturday October 12, 2024, from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.



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