Good advice from a dietitian from Eure to limit the risks of cancer

Good advice from a dietitian from Eure to limit the risks of cancer
Good advice from a dietitian from Eure to limit the risks of cancer



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Oct. 10 2024 at 5:28 p.m

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On the occasion of awareness month against cancer be youone of the flagship events of the Rugloise Cultural Association (ACR-Rugles-Eure) is at the heart of the program. The traditional “shared pot” is transformed into a “pink pot” this Thursday October 10.

Specialist and passionate

The principle remains the same… a meal prepared together in the morning to then be shared with all the participants at lunchtime. But this time, the meeting will be animated by the intervention of Laura Boudouxa dietician who provides advice on preventative nutrition.

From a engineering trainingthe young woman made a career change to become a dietician and thus pursue her “passionate profession” around nutrition. Since last December, she has held this position at the Verneuil d’Avre and Iton hospital where her role is to “do both prevention and care”.

“Prevention is the future”

It is precisely with the aim of prevention that the director of the ACR, Estelle Martin came into contact with Geneviève Fungerenurse coordinator, and that together, they developed this pink pot project.

If the Vernolian hospital and the ACR had already joined forces last year for this prevention workshop, this is the first time that Laura has spoken to the “marmiteurs”, not hiding her enthusiasm.

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“When Geneviève came to see me with Estelle to find out if I was interested in organizing a therapeutic kitchen, I was super happy, I immediately said yes,” remembers Laura.

With more and more difficulties accessing care, prevention is a bit of the future in the medical world.

Laura and Genevieve

For the specialist, “cooking is the best way to communicate simple messages”, and food, one of the four major vectors of prevention against all types of cancer. These four vectors are also its “motto”, “SAMI”, for sleep, food, movement and positive ideas, which in the eyes of our expert are the pillars of good health.

“Popularize science”, provide answers and break preconceived ideas

It is therefore the “A” in food which will be the subject of the event on October 10 at theAcr’o pole with Laura. For this trained engineer, the scientific aspect is important in food. “The objective will be to provide knowledge and popularize science”, but also to provide a clear and personalized response to everyone.

We hear everything and its opposite about food, we no longer know which statement is true and which is false.

Laura Boudoux, dietician

“And what is true for one person is not necessarily true for another,” she continues.

With this workshop, Laura intends to break preconceived ideas. As such, it will emphasize the benefits and protective and preventive aspects of lipids present in fats. “These fatty acids have had a very bad image over the last decade, and yet lipids are one of the three main macronutrients with carbohydrates and proteins,” she says.

Theoretical workshops and meal preparation

This pink pot-boiler took place in two stages. In a first theoretical part, our dietician leads fun participatory workshops based on a balanced diet and for cancer prevention.

The second part is devoted to the preparation of an original menu, developed by Laura.

Often when we talk about a menu we think of starter, main course, dessert. I wanted to break this code by having a brunch.

Laura Boudoux

This brunch will be composed of four “quick, easy, and above all delicious” recipes, with seasonal and local ingredients.

After a time of discussion around the meal, the pink “marmiteurs” receive a recipe booklet from our nutrition specialist.

Pink October continues with the ACR

Until the end of the month, the Rugloise Cultural Association is offering several awareness and well-being workshops. Chair yoga, seated amma, taïso, sophrology, art therapy or even a “woman’s circle” to share a good time and discuss different subjects of a woman’s life. Registration required on 02 32 35 07 38. Coralie Hic’s photo-therapy exhibition remains visible throughout the month of October at the Acr’o pole.

The young woman will return during a shared pot on 29 Novembere next year, with the aim of sharing his advice for a healthy, easy diet accessible to all. “I want to show that eating well does not necessarily cost more, and that you can enjoy yourself,” she assures.

Laura offers outpatient consultations on Monday mornings at Verneuil hospital, by appointment on 02 32 23 62 61.
Contact ACR on 02 32 35 07 38 or 06 89 72 44 62.
Pink pot at the Acr’o pole – 1 rue de l’Hôpital 27 250 Rugles.

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