Addicted to coffee? Here are some alternatives to reduce your consumption

Addicted to coffee? Here are some alternatives to reduce your consumption
Addicted to coffee? Here are some alternatives to reduce your consumption

Consumed in excess, coffee can be harmful to your health.

Like coffee, tea and mate have energizing properties.

Lemon juice and chicory boost the body and contribute to its well-being.

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Good in his body, good in his head

Admired for its energizing properties, its taste or its smell, coffee is one of the essential drinks. But caffeine can be harmful to the body when consumed in too high a dose. So what are the possible alternatives to drink less? Here are some ideas.

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Why find alternatives to coffee?

Although it has undeniable stimulating properties, coffee is not without producing certain undesirable effects. Consumed in too large quantities, it can indeed have harmful consequences for health. The risks are then an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of a form of anxiety, irritability, or even difficulty falling asleep.

To limit the adverse effects linked to coffee consumption, the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES) recommends not exceeding 400 milligrams per day, the equivalent of three cups. But, “approximately 30% of the adult population exceeds the threshold used to generate anxiety., indicates the agency. This is why it is interesting to find alternatives to this hot drink, so as to avoid possible complications linked to its consumption.


Tea, often the ally of those who don’t like coffee, is an interesting alternative to this drink. And for good reason, even if its energizing effects are less significant than those of coffee, it still contains theine, which boosts the body. Black tea, in particular, is rich in it and can serve as a substitute for morning coffee. Matcha, a green tea powder, also produces a stimulating effect on the cognitive system, while helping to reduce stress. Enough to promote good cardio-metabolic health. Beyond its energizing aspect, tea is rich in antioxidants, useful for maintaining good overall health of the body.


Sometimes considered to be a natural substitute for coffee, chicory comes from an herbaceous plant and does not contain caffeine. It still turns out to be a good ally in the morning, since it has many benefits. It is particularly rich in fiber and thus contributes to maintaining intestinal balance. Its antidiabetic, antioxidant, vermifuge and prebiotic character also promotes good digestion and reduces the risk of gastrointestinal diseases. By drinking chicory in the morning, the body is put in good shape for the day to come. A virtuous circle since the fitter your body is, the more you will have the desire and the strength to undertake things.

Lemon juice

Rich in antioxidants, lemon is also an important Source of vitamin C. Drinking lemon juice in the morning has the effect of “activator”since “vitamin C awakens the respiratory, cardiovascular and renal systems”, explains dietician-nutritionist Nicolas Aubineau, to Santé Magazine. Lemon juice, diluted with still or sparkling water, will stimulate the body when you wake up and therefore replace coffee without any problem.


A traditional South American drink, mate is renowned for its energizing properties. And for good reason, it contains caffeine, although in lower doses than coffee. This natural stimulant fights fatigue and improves cognitive performance. It also has diuretic and antioxidant properties. Mate can be consumed after being infused in hot water, but it also reveals its benefits when drunk cold, or even iced. Everyone is free to find the formula that suits their needs.




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