diet good for health and the planet

To stay healthy, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly is essential. However, it’s not always easy to stick with it or even know where to start. If intuitive eating can help, the “3V rule” would be ideal, because it is easy to implement and respectful of the planet: everything we love.

The 3V rule: how does it work?

In 2019, 37 experts (from 16 different countries) in health, nutrition, environmental sustainability, food systems and economic and political governance, developed “planetary diet”, to respect sustainable planetary limits, while being based on analyzes in-depth nutritional information.

To respect this diet, Anthony Fardet, doctor in human nutrition, researcher in preventive and sustainable food and Edmond Rock, research director at the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE) have developed the “3V rule”: eat “real, plant-based and varied”.

1. Eat real

This involves avoiding eating processed foods as much as possible.

“These products, overall, provide little fiber, vitamins and micronutrients to our body, are often too sweet and contain cosmetic additives. Consumed in excess, they are harmful to overall health, that is to say human and planetary,” explains Anthony Fardet. Additionally, plastic waste and food waste associated with these foods is enormous.

2. Eat plant-based

“Vegetating our plates drastically reduces greenhouse gas emissions, water use and the overall environmental footprint. There are simply no other solutions to preserve our planet,” explains Anthony Fardet.

The health benefits are also numerous: “For example, it has been shown that the MIND diet, which combines the traditional Mediterranean diet with the DASH (diet against hypertension), and is mainly composed of plant foods (whole grains, fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds), is associated with a reduction in the risk of neurodegenerative diseases and a slowing of cognitive decline,” explains neuroscientist Émilie Steinbach.


This involves reducing your intake of animal proteins and increasing vegetable proteins.

3. Eat varied

“The more varied foods we eat, the more we provide a complex series of different molecules that nourish the diversity of our microbiota, which contributes to improving our intestinal and overall health,” informs Émilie Steinbach.

In practice, experts recommend consuming between 35 and 40 different foods per week. “Which corresponds to approximately three various products per food category,” according to Anthony Fardet.

Other advice can also be implemented, such as preferring solid foods to liquids to promote satiety. You should also prefer whole fruits rather than juices for vitamin and fiber intake. Regarding starchy foods, prefer the complete versions.

Weight loss: what is the K-Pop diet, the method for losing weight quickly from Korea?

Source: Madame Le Figaro



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