An alarming increase in myopia in children and adolescents

An alarming increase in myopia in children and adolescents
An alarming increase in myopia in children and adolescents

The increase in myopia among young people around the world, revealed by a recent study, is a worrying situation often overlooked by parents. How can we reverse this alarming trend?


  • Myopia, a common visual disorder, is increasing among young people.
  • Several factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, influence this increase.
  • Myopia can be curbed and corrected with early detection.

A resurgence of myopia among young people

Myopia, the most common visual disorder, is manifested by clear vision up close and blurred vision at a distance. According to a recent study published in the British Journal of Ophthalmologythis phenomenon is clearly increasing among children and adolescents.

The finding is alarming: around one in three young people worldwide suffer from myopia, a figure which could reach 740 million by 2050.

Understanding the factors behind this increase

Researchers at Sun-Yat-sen University in China explain this increase by several factors. Firstly, the sex seems to play a role, with girls being more affected than boys.

Furthermore, theurbanisation also influences this trend, with urban areas being more affected than rural areas. Finally, the Covid-19 pandemic could have accelerated this progression, according to the researchers.

The importance of early detection

The good news is that myopia can be slowed down and correctedprovided it is detected early and corrective measures are put in place.

However, a study conducted by Ipsos reveals that 35% of French parents do not know the correct definition of myopia and 63% have never heard of solutions to slow its progression.

Recognizing and preventing myopia

It is therefore essential to know the symptoms suggestive of myopia, such as squinting in front of the television, the need to look closely at objects, or even headaches at the end of the day.

Furthermore, preventive measures can be put in place to avoid the appearance of myopia. It is recommended to limit the use of screens, especially in poorly lit environments, to adopt the 20-20-20 rule to soothe the eyes, and to encourage outdoor activities to benefit from natural light, essential for healthy development of the eye.



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