the benefits of riboflavin

the benefits of riboflavin
the benefits of riboflavin

This is because it is a water-soluble vitamin; because it dissolves in water, any excess is eliminated through urine and not stored in the body (as is the case with fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin E).

Moreover, urine saturated with vitamin B2 will have a bright yellow tint. You may have noticed it yourself after taking vitamin supplements or after eating fortified foods such as nutritional yeast. Fear not: yellow pee flash does not indicate any danger!

However, some people may have reactions to large doses of riboflavin, such as itching, sensitivity to light, and abdominal pain.

Keep in mind thatyou should always consult your doctor before consuming any supplementsespecially if you have a condition or are on medication.

Did you know that…

Riboflavin is sensitive to light. Thus, milk retains more vitamin B2 when it is preserved in opaque containers (a cardboard bottle versus a transparent plastic bag or a glass bottle).



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