Pimples: how to get rid of keratosis pilaris?

Pimples: how to get rid of keratosis pilaris?
Pimples: how to get rid of keratosis pilaris?

Keratosis pilaris is a common, benign, non-contagious skin disease that causes small, hard pimples to appear. We explain where it comes from and how to treat it.

Rym Ben Ameur

Written on 05/04/2024

How to treat small pimples on the skin? —
The Health Mag – 5

Keratosis pilaris, or KP, looks like small papules that result in red or beige spots. It gives the skin a rough appearance that looks a bit like “chicken skin”, “goosebumps” or even “strawberry skin”.

What are the causes of keratosis pilaris?

On dark and black skin, KP is quite common and is manifested by the appearance of dark spots. In general, it affects the upper arms, the back of the thighs, the face, and even the buttocks. “This KP is simply due to inflammation linked to occlusion of small hair follicles,” explains Dr. Jeremy Lupu, dermatologist.

These small orifices, from which the hairs normally come out, become blocked, which will lead to inflammation. “It is linked to excess sebum. It’s the small layer of fat on the skin that will clog the pores and lead to inflammation and this raspberry skin appearance.he describes.

A risk of eczema and pain

This keratosis pilaris is not at all contagious. On the other hand, there is an important genetic component. It is not uncommon for it to affect several members of the same family. This could be due to an abnormality that causes the skin to flake poorly and the dead skin to not shed. It is common in children and adolescents and can continue into adulthood.

If you have dry skin in the winter, it’s usually worse. KP is generally benign, except when eczema is added on top. “When you have keratosis pilaris, it can sometimes lead to another type of inflammation, eczema. This eczema will have a tendency to itch, to bother, to pull, to give unpleasant sensations, whereas normally, keratosis hair doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t itch, it’s just unsightly, but it doesn’t cause any particular symptoms. notes Dr. Lupu.

What treatments for keratosis pilaris?

Fortunately, there are simple things you can do to improve things. First solution:Urea-based creams. Urea is one of the skin’s natural components and is very effective against dry skin. It is often present in cosmetics to moisturize. Most cosmetic products targeting KP contain it. In general, it costs 10-15 euros for these creams in drugstores.

Another solution: gentle scrubs, which can also be effective in removing dead skin that clogs the skin. But you shouldn’t go too hard at the risk of worsening the drying of the skin.

A final technique that is a little more radical, but not definitive, is the laser.
. It will help calm the inflammation and therefore reduce the appearance of goosebumps. Be careful not to do this lightly and to seek advice from your dermatologist. The effect will not be permanent, like the previous techniques and the keratosis may return. You must therefore take care of your skin continuously.



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