Three cases of meningitis among students in , a vaccination campaign planned

Three cases of meningitis among students in , a vaccination campaign planned
Three cases of meningitis among students in Grenoble, a vaccination campaign planned

Between September 16 and 20, three students from contracted meningitis, the Regional Health Agency (ARS) told us this Monday morning. They were hospitalized.

“Reassuring” state of health

Their state of health is now “reassuring” explains the ARS. People in contact with the victims, relatives and classmates, received preventive antibiotic treatment. Furthermore, the ARS Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and the student health service of Grenoble will organize in the coming week a vaccination campaign.

What symptoms?

Faced with this situation, the ARS takes the opportunity to recall the symptoms which allow the disease to be detected: fever, severe headaches, often accompanied by vomiting. “Two symptoms should be particularly alarming: a high fever that is poorly tolerated, and/or one or more rapidly appearing red or purplish spots (purpura). The sick person may also have impaired consciousness and a pale or even gray facial color. , diarrhea in addition to fever and vomiting, intolerance to light or noise, stiff neck, significant aches, severe fatigue, severe drowsiness, eye paralysis or even convulsions. explains the Regional Health Agency. If these symptoms appear, contact 15 immediately.



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