doctors recommend wearing a mask

Like all seasonal viruses, Covid-19 begins to circulate more when temperatures drop. And the numbers speak for themselves. Santé Publique confirms that it published its bulletin on September 25, 2024 and describes “an intensification of the circulation of SARS-CoV-2. […] Developments will need to be monitored closely over the coming weeks.”

In a few figures, 29% of Covid tests carried out in city laboratories, between September 16 and 22, turned out to be positive (+4% of procedures) and 3,253 people went to the Emergency Department for the same reason (0.9% of visits) .

Promote barrier gestures

Wearing a mask in case of symptoms, in busy places and in the presence of vulnerable people, and regular hand washing are recommended.” The vaccination campaign targeting in particular people aged 65 and over and those at risk of severe form of Covid, with booster vaccinations recommended each fall, will begin on October 15.

In addition, those over 80, immunocompromised people and residents of nursing homes and Long-Term Care Units (USLD) are also invited to get a booster shot in the spring and fall of each yeari.e. at the same time as the flu vaccination which begins in mid-October. Anyone who wishes to be vaccinated against Covid-19 can do so. in pharmacy.

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