Indigenous cases are increasing in the south of

Indigenous cases are increasing in the south of
Indigenous cases are increasing in the south of France

contagion – Two human contaminations by the West Nile virus have been recorded in Hérault

The presence of the West Nile virus is being confirmed, slowly but surely, in the south of . In Hérault and , where several horses have been affected by the virus in recent weeks, human contaminations have been recorded.

Where has the virus been identified? What other regions are affected? And how can we combat the proliferation of mosquitoes that carry the virus? 20 Minutes explains to you.

Several human cases confirmed

In recent months, indigenous contaminations have been increasing in France. According to the latest figures from Public Health France, as of September 17, in France, there have been 20 indigenous cases in the PACA region and 4 in since the beginning of the year: 2 in Hérault and two in Gard. At the beginning of September, the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Occitanie and the Gard prefecture indicated that they had discovered two new contaminations in the Camargue Gardoise: “As part of the systematic screening carried out during blood donations, two indigenous cases of human infection with the West Nile virus were recently identified in Vauvert. The state of health of these patients did not require hospitalization.” Unlike one of the two cases confirmed in Hérault a few days later, “(…) Read more on 20minutes

Also read:
: West Nile virus still active in the department
What is Powassan, the deadly tick-borne virus?
: Seven cases of West Nile virus recorded since the start of summer
Return of Dengue Fever: More than 3,000 cases imported into mainland France since the start of the year, a new record



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