Mamadou Sakho would have preferred to end his career than do like Rabiot – – Olympique de

Mamadou Sakho would have preferred to end his career than do like Rabiot – – Olympique de
Mamadou Sakho would have preferred to end his career than do like Rabiot – France – Olympique de Marseille

Another one who did not appreciate the signing of Adrien Rabiot in .

While the international midfielder signed with OM in mid-September, five years after his departure from PSG, the reactions continue. In Georgia since this summer, former Parisian defender Mamadou Sakhoeternal “ Until », returned to the subject for Canal+ Afrique, and did not do it in the language of wood. If he initially argued that Rabiot certainly had his reasons, he did not hide the fact that this had « titillated », he who evolved alongside him. Above all, the former Blue assured that he would never have acted like this: « As a Parisian, I’m not going to lie, obviously a player who wears the Saint-Germain jersey, he doesn’t have not allowed to wear the Marseille jersey. I am a true Parisian, I say it personally, I would rather stop my career than wear the OM jersey. »

A Classic in decline?

Sakho also mentioned a decline in importance and symbolism of the Classic. « I feel this rivalry less and less […]. Today I have the impression that the match is played differently »he regrets, nostalgic.

For him, one of the shocks of the championship nowadays lacks « tension » and of « pepper »to the point of having become « mignon ». With a team energized by the arrival of Roberto De Zerbi, perhaps the ingredients for a true Classic are finally back.

This year more than ever, look forward to October 27!

Rabiot at OM: former Parisian “traitors” remember



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