These 3 fruits are the WORST for your health according to 60 million consumers

These 3 fruits are the WORST for your health according to 60 million consumers
These 3 fruits are the WORST for your health according to 60 million consumers

By François R

– Published on Sep 23, 2024 at 11:45 AM

60 million consumers point out three fruits on sale that are harmful to health. The cause is the way they are grown. We take stock.

We know the refrain: You should eat five fruits and vegetables a day. But which fruits and vegetables? And, above all, how not to get fooled or how to favor certain products over others? Don’t panic, 60 million consumers is here. Magazine and website have been guiding the consumer since the early 70s. Always for the good information and the well-being French homes. Recently, 60 million consumers pinned the three worst fruits on the market that are dangerous for health.

60 million consumers for household rights and health

60 million consumers have been working to defend the rights of the French since 50 years old Now. The magazine and its website track the scams, compare the price, gauge the competition, list the dangerous products for health. The goal: good information, well-being and food health of consumers in .

But 60 million consumers is not the only comparator on the market. Its direct competitor, UFC-What to Choosestrives to defend the interests of the consumer Both are valuable allies when it comes to shopping. For save money but also for preserve its health from foods harmful to our body.

Eat five fruits and vegetables a day to be healthy

For several years, advertisements for products that are too salty or too sweet have often been accompanied by the indication “eat five fruits and vegetables a day”. A recommendation to diversify your diet to eat healthier. This recommendation comes directly from theWHO, World Health Organization.

This awareness campaign for better nutrition has been taken up since 2001 by the PNNS (National Nutrition Health Plan). A way to remind consumers that they need to vary its food in order to avoid health risks. In particular, cardiovascular accidents.

Fruits: 60 million consumers tackle 3 very harmful fruits

In a study, 60 million consumers quote the researcher’s words FrancoisMariotti : “We found that people who eat their five servings a day have significant exposure to pesticides.So how can you choose your fruits wisely and avoid the most harmful ones? 60 million consumers are here for that.

And the NGO Générations Futures which identifies 41% of vegetables not from organic farming as dangerous as well as three quarters of fruits from the same farming! According to all these studies, the three worst fruits for health would be: strawberries, THE cherries and the grapes. On the vegetable side, we point the finger at the celery and the fresh aromatic herbs.



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