In the cut at the French Open, Grégory Havret pushes back the end

In the cut at the French Open, Grégory Havret pushes back the end
In the cut at the French Open, Grégory Havret pushes back the end

« Thanks for everything Greg! We love you » escapes even from the crowd. So, as he descended into the arena at the start of the 1st, hand in hand with his son and a smile from ear to ear, the former French number one had to think back to his career, to his 560 tournaments played on the Tour, with its moments of joy, of sorrow, but also this ultimate hope of making the cut despite a first day completed in + 4. “ What Greg did is not amazing because we know him, and we know what he is capable of doing with clubs in hand, explains Belgian Nicolas Colsaerts. But from the outside, it’s true that it can be surprising, especially after so much time spent on the bench. »



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