Highly rated private schools, Sciences Po, expatriations… Jean-Jacques Goldman’s three daughters committed to excellence

Highly rated private schools, Sciences Po, expatriations… Jean-Jacques Goldman’s three daughters committed to excellence
Highly rated private schools, Sciences Po, expatriations… Jean-Jacques Goldman’s three daughters committed to excellence

This news Star Academy looks like Dancing with the stars There was so much excitement in the teachers’ room! As the twelfth season of the talent show begins on October 12, production has seriously reviewed the casting of its teachers. With the exception of Lucie Bernardoni, the coach, Malika Benjellounin charge of dance classes, without forgetting Marlene Schaffpromoted to professor of stage expression after having also been a coach, the entire cast was reviewed. While waiting to see how Sofia Morgavi, the teacher who replaces Adeline Toniutti, Ladji Doucouré in sport or the world improv champion, the Belgian Hugues Hamelynck who replaces Pierre de Brauer at the Dammaries-Les-Lys castle, will fit in. theater, there is one that must be serene on the eve of his third school yearit’s the director, Michaël Goldman. During the launch press conference, he said he had “looking forward to work” adding: “We see 18 year old kids arriving who have only sung in their room and whose dream is to make the Star Ac. It’s a gift.

It goes without saying that for he who celebrated his 45th birthday this summerthese new students are “kids”, he himself being already the father of two daughters who would not hesitate to “yell at him“. But Michaël also has teenagers in his own family! His father, Jean-Jacques Goldman, who celebrates his 73rd birthday this Friday October 11 actually had six children in his life. Three of them, including Michaël, have long been adults, but the three youngest are roughly the age of the students of the Star Academy. And if the singer left an indelible mark on the history of French song, his descendants have nothing to be ashamed of and seem to have inherited his genius.

The three eldest were born from his union with Catherine Morlet, a psychologist whom he met when he was in high school and with whom he was married from 1975 to 1997. Caroline, 49 years old, the eldest is a famous psychotherapist who is often talk about her in the media. She is a doctor in clinical psychopathology. No need to introduce Michaël. Nina, like her sister, works in the medical field since she is a pediatrician. Three brilliant courses for older children.

Jean-Jacques Goldman’s daughters in a 30,000 euro-a-year high school in London

But the next generation is arriving, and already seems destined for promising careers… In 2001, Jean-Jacques Goldman married Nathalie Thu Huong-Lagier, a 22-year-old Franco-Vietnamese mathematics student, living in . She is fan of the singer she met at a concert. Together, they will have three daughters: Maya, 20 years old today, Kimi, 19 years old and Rose, 17 years old. We know nothing about the latter, the youngest, still a minor. On the other hand, his two sisters, despite their young age, already have a impressive student and university curriculum which they no longer hesitate to display on the professional social network LinkedIn.

He suffered a lot from having sacrificed his first family life on the altar of his career. He didn’t want to make the same mistake when he remarried in 2001“, explained Jean-Pierre Pasqualini, music specialist, in 2015. In 2016, Jean-Jacques Goldman, to everyone’s surprise, gave up everything and therefore left to settle in London. In an interview given to The Union in 2017, his friend Fred Hidalgo explained the reasons for his decision: “England offers additional cultural assets to his daughtersallowing them to discover another way of life and become perfectly bilingual.

This is how the two young girls found themselves educated at the prestigious Winston Churchill international high school in the English capital. An establishment which presents itself as “demanding, bilingual and innovative“, making his students “responsible and creative global citizens, capable of forming and expressing their opinions while respecting others, of developing their unique talents and of adapting to the continual changes of the world“. Tuition fees are very high, between 20,000 and 30,000 euros per year depending on the sector, but the family has the means. The rebroadcasts of Jean-Jacques Goldman’s songs are as follows:e Parisianhe would receive 2 million euros per year in royalties. Enough to offer the best to your children.

Two baccalaureate graduates with “very good” mention

In June 2022, Maya passed the baccalaureate with very good honors. Her younger sister Kimi, who began her education in the same high school, will finish it elsewhere: in the prestigious London branch of the famous Jeanine Manuel school. A reference in the private sector, which makes it one of the highly rated establishments popular with large families. On the benches of the school on this side of the Channel where it was established in 1954, passed the eldest of Carla Bruni, the children of François Copethose of Dassault or Lagardère as well as a son of Nicolas Sarkozy or even that of Frédéric Mitterrand… Kimi obtained her baccalaureate there in June 2023, also with very good honors, with the congratulations from the jury.

What followed could only be brilliant for the two graduates. Maya joins theEMLyon business school, a management school where she is preparing a bachelor of business administration. As part of a school exchange, she is currently expatriated for a few months in Stockholm, Sweden. As for Kimi, since September 2023 she has been pursuing a double diploma awarded jointly Sciences Po and the Australian University of Sydney. A Bachelor’s degree in human and social sciences coupled with a bachelor’s degree in economics.

Goldman’s daughters, like him, wear their hearts on their sleeves

But the two young women not only have good faces, they also have good hearts. As worthy heirs of their father, who notably participated 27 times in the Bastardsthey both worked in humanitarian or charitable work. They volunteered to Action Against HungerMaya was director of Charity Club from his high school, responsible for organizing charity events. She was also an ambassador for an association protecting orphans. Kimi, for his part, volunteered with the Astroliensan association helping seniors to better use digital technology. She also worked on an urban farm in , accompanying children in gardening activities.

Living in comfort, yes. But don’t forget the others. These seem to be the values ​​transmitted by their father, a man who, although having gone into exile in London, was always proud to pay a lot of taxes in France, as Ivan Jablonka recalled in the biography he devoted to singer last year. Evoking “Goldman’s fiscal enthusiasm”, the author recalled that the singer was “happy to redistribute 60 to 70% of its income. In his eyes, taxes are not a duty, but a debt that he pays. He is also in favor of abolishing the right of inheritance by taxing it at 95%.” His family inheritance already constitutes in itself, a wonderful treasure.



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