Narjesse’s parents have no news of their daughter three months after her disappearance in

Narjesse’s parents have no news of their daughter three months after her disappearance in
Narjesse’s parents have no news of their daughter three months after her disappearance in Villeurbanne

The parents of Narjesse, a 17-year-old teenager, have had no news of their daughter, who disappeared from their home at the end of June in (Rhône). While the investigation is at a standstill, they remain convinced that the young girl did not run away.

On June 29, like many teenagers his age, Narjesse was revising for his baccalaureate in his room in Villeurbanne. Around 1 p.m., the young girl went out without warning her parents and has not been seen since.

No messages on social networks, no exchanges with her friends… In the three months that have passed since her disappearance, the teenager has left no trace.

“After three months, we are certain that Narjesse would have given signs of life and this is not the case. We do not know where she is (…), Narjesse is nowhere to be found and we have no leads “, declares her mother Sofia to BFM .

The teenager disappeared without taking her belongings

The young girl, of slim build and 1.61m tall, left while she was dressed in blue pajamas, a black sweatshirt and black Adidas sneakers with white stripes. His parents do not understand the reason for this departure, but remain convinced that it is not a simple escape.

“A teenager who is in her room revising her baccalaureate and who leaves in this outfit does not have the idea of ​​leaving for three months as is the case,” says her mother.

Sofia relies in particular on the fact that Narjesse left without her personal belongings. “If it was a runaway and a real desire not to be found, Narjesse had plenty of time to take clothes, a backpack, her identity papers, her credit card, which she doesn’t have done,” she lists.

“Today, her dad and I are convinced that our daughter is not able to come home, does not have the means to come home,” worries the mother.

The eldest of six children, Narjesse is described by her mother as “smiling, full of life, always up for everything. She is very dynamic, she is a very empathetic young girl.”

“She’s the teenager that every mother would dream of having at home,” she concludes.

“Narjesse had lots of plans”

At first glance, her parents had the impression that “everything was going very well” for the teenager, presented as a “good student” who prepared son grand oral of the baccalaureate after having passed all the other tests. To succeed, the young girl “had worked for weeks and even months”.

Narjesse, 17, has been missing since June 29, 2024. © BFM Lyon

“She was impatient to present it since she was sure of herself. She was sure of her subject, which she mastered. And today, as we were preparing to celebrate her baccalaureate, we are here, at wondering where our daughter is,” Sofia saddens.

The teenager was planning for her future and had discussed her university ambitions with her parents. “Before her disappearance, Narjesse had lots of projects, vacation plans (…), medical studies to be a midwife… It was her dream,” says her mother.

The situation is unbearable for both of her parents, particularly given the “questions” that remain surrounding the disappearance of their daughter. Today, they feel helpless.

“On a daily basis, it’s a nightmare. We have other children, we are torn, completely devastated. For three months, our daily life, day and night, has been trying to find our daughter” continues Sofia.

Mehdi, Narjesse’s dad, is “worrying every day” not knowing where his daughter is. “I don’t know how she is, if she is in good health (…). I don’t know what to do, I am anxious not to be able to protect my daughter,” laments the father.

An investigation at a standstill

Narjesse’s mother can’t help but imagine the worst scenarios. “Our daughter finds herself in nature, perhaps in danger. As a parent, it is very difficult on a daily basis, we wonder if she is not sequestered, held somewhere,” she explains.

After three months of research, the investigation has come to a standstill. “At the start of the investigation, we had quite a few leads, we passed them on to the investigators, we ourselves investigated (…). There, the investigation ran out of steam since there was no “There are no more leads”, confides Sofia.

They are therefore launching a call for help through a call for witnesses. “We want to ask anyone who saw Narjesse that day or even after, who had the slightest element, who saw something strange or not… To contact us or to contact the police station,” they implore the teenager’s parents.

“We are also asking anyone who could help us by their function, their position or by any means. We are trying to find our daughter, we will do whatever it takes, whatever is necessary. In our power, we will move mountains and we hope to find her safe and sound,” they repeat.

By speaking, the young girl’s parents want to send her a message. “If Narjesse hears us, I want to be able to tell her that we will find her, that she hangs on, wherever she is,” her mother told BFM Lyon. “And that we love him very much,” adds Medhi, his dad.

Anyone with information can contact the Meyzieu police station on 04 78 78 43 49 or 04 78 78 43 32.

Lauriane Pelao with Mathias Fleury



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