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“Living corpses”: a house of horror discovered near Béziers: News

“Living corpses”: a house of horror discovered near Béziers: News
“Living corpses”: a house of horror discovered near Béziers: News

In Maraussan, a small town in Hérault, a family living in total self-sufficiency for years was discovered by the authorities on Wednesday September 25, reports Midi Libre.

What was the surprise of the firefighters and gendarmes when they entered this house in Maraussan, a small town of 5,000 inhabitants located near Béziers in Hérault. Behind the walls of this house in a quiet and uneventful neighborhood, a vision of horror.

The authorities indeed discovered a family in distress, held under the yoke of an authoritarian mother. The two children, 66-year-old twins, mute and skeletal, were found prostrate in their room, isolated and weakened. A witness reports having observed real “living corpses”. According to his testimony, “they were sitting together in a fetal position”he told the daily Midi Libre.

A placement procedure has been launched

The mayor of Maraussan, Marlène Puche, hesitated before intervening. After several calls from a resident, she finally decided to send the police. “I had to sort things out. I had to know what was true or what was fantasy. So I sent the municipal police”she testifies. Police officers reportedly found an elderly couple in a somewhat unsanitary home but nothing more.

After a new call received on Wednesday September 25, the town hall decided to dismiss new police officers in addition to social assistance. That’s when they realize the magnitude of the situation. Lying down, the husband is slumped on a deck chair, totally listless and emaciated, in addition to a head injury. The mother shouts throughout the house at the same time. The two 66-year-old girls were reportedly forcibly repatriated several years ago.

According to the authorities, the description of the interior of the building testifies to the total destitution in which this family lived. After two hours of negotiation, the mother was finally evacuated to Béziers hospital while the father was placed in an EHPAD. The two girls were left behind but a guardianship procedure was launched in order to take care of the two twins, unable to feed themselves according to the neighbors.

published on September 26 at 6:49 p.m., Gabriel Gadré, 6Médias




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