“Each star has found its place”, the goddess of Lille officially launches the LOSC season Le petit Lillois |

“Each star has found its place”, the goddess of Lille officially launches the LOSC season Le petit Lillois |

She hosted the LOSC summer and has just taken her final bow, the goddess of the city of Lille launched the Dogues into the 2024-2025 season with an intoxicating speech.

LOSC has been on the pitch for a month now, from Europe to Ligue 1, and has not shied away from the task. Throughout this period, the club has been accompanied by the goddess of Lille, who revealed the identity of the reinforcements enlisted, from Ethan Mbappé to André Gomes. The latter is LOSC’s last recruit this summer, whose transfer window has thus closed. To make it official, the goddess of Lille launched into an intoxicating speech: “I have watched over this city for centuries. Until now, my warriors have braved challenges and carried our colors high. This year again, from the skies, I have scanned in search of new stars. Those who fuel the passion of football. I have chosen you for your fighting spirit, your determination, your rage to win and your love of the jersey. You will defend our land, our bastion, our city.”she says, initially focusing solely on the market.

She then continues, pushing the Dogues in their quest for success, they who are now complete: “Each star has found its place, but one is missing, essential to our success. You, fervent supporters, you are the light that guides us. The one that completes our collective. Together, we will overcome all the trials. It is up to us to make LOSC shine. A new quest awaits us. We will fight everywhere in France, and on the borders of Europe, where only the brightest stars gather and where the challenges will always be greater. It is in adversity that our hopes rest.”concludes the goddess of LOSC, ready to capsize to the rhythm of Lille’s exploits, as she has already been able to do in the past.


PREV “Each star has found its place”, the goddess of Lille officially launches the LOSC season Le petit Lillois |
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