In which cases is your pension at risk of being suspended?

In which cases is your pension at risk of being suspended?

The payment of the retirement pension is a highly anticipated moment. Even more so this year since after a year of waiting, 850,000 retirees will benefit from a financial boost on September 25. They will receive an average of 50 euros more per month. Since the measure is retroactive, these retirees will receive the equivalent of 600 euros gross, announced the CEO of the Cnav. But there are also cases where the retirement pension can be suspended. Why? Because according to Notre Temps, checks are carried out throughout the year in order to limit the payment of undue pensions.

There are two types of control. First, those of the Retirement Insurance. The organization “carries out controls for benefits subject to conditions of residence or resources”, explains Philippe Bainville, its president, to our colleagues. Concerning deaths, there are no controls since they are “managed by INSEE, which centralizes the declarations of the town halls and communicates them to the retirement funds”, recalls Philippe Bainville. On the other hand, the Retirement Insurance carries out controls on survivor’s pensions, in particular the conditions of resources.

These resource conditions determine the allocation or revision of the pension. The checks are carried out at the age of the automatic full rate for personal retirement, i.e. 67 years (65 years in certain cases). Thus, if the ceilings are exceeded, the pension can be reduced or eliminated. The other type of check concerns (…)

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