Able-bodied, she went to the doctor in a wheelchair and defrauded the insurance company

Able-bodied, she went to the doctor in a wheelchair and defrauded the insurance company

It took all the work of a private detective to uncover the deception. For many years, a woman had managed to defraud insurance companies by pretending that she was still disabled, or at least unable to walk. It all goes back to 1983. At the time, the resident of Carmaux (Tarn) was the victim of an accident, knocked down by a reckless driver, reports La Dépêche. Her legs were injured and she obtained damages of 100,000 euros. Ten years later, she filed a claim for aggravation with the insurance company, claiming that her state of health had not improved.

At the time, she was once again awarded compensation of around 90,000 euros. Each time, she went to the medical examinations in a wheelchair, explains La Dépêche. The insurance company began to have doubts thirty years after the accident and refused to pay her the money. But she was dismissed in court. Convinced that the client was feigning paralysis of the lower limbs, she then hired a private detective in 2017. And very quickly, the insurance company obtained confirmation of what it had feared.

The private detective will follow the sixty-year-old every day and will realize that she can do her shopping by walking in the morning, then go to a medical appointment in the afternoon in a wheelchair. A second video even shows the Carmausine going to buy cigarettes in heels. She is also seen driving a luxury 4X4 to go (…)

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