A motorcycle that runs on wine? The bet of Montpellier high school students

A motorcycle that runs on wine? The bet of Montpellier high school students

Innovation – The FMR34 team’s motorcycle is entered in the Bol d’Or. High school students and teachers have developed a project for a competitive motorcycle that runs on wine lees and grape must.

Former MotoGP riders, hyper-structured professional teams, the best of the endurance world… The last event of the season, the Bol d’Or determines, this Sunday at around 3 p.m., after 24 hours of racing, the title of Endurance World Champion.

The motorcycle of “Mr. Everyman”… or almost

And among all these great people, a UFO, Team FMR34. The bike is driven by three professional riders. And that’s pretty much the only thing it has in common with the other teams competing in this prestigious competition. The project is driven by the Mendès France high school in Montpellier, in association with other establishments of the rectorate. And the technical responsibility is entirely placed in the hands of the high school students. With one goal: to enter the bike of “Mr. Everyman” and make it efficient by using a biofuel that does not contain petroleum or ethanol.

“We are teachers. Even though motor sports are our passion, we are also very aware of the values ​​of respect for the environment,” says Marc Sanchez, the project manager. “Three years ago, we tried to find solutions that limit the impact of the thermal engine,” continues this passionate teacher. “We (…) - 20minutes

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