Michel Barnier brings Arnaud Danjean, former LR MEP, back into politics

Michel Barnier brings Arnaud Danjean, former LR MEP, back into politics

POLITICS – He had not wanted to run for a fourth term, but here he is back in politics. In The Figaro This Sunday, September 15, former LR MEP Arnaud Danjean announced that he was joining Michel Barnier’s office as a special advisor. This is therefore a new figure from the right who has come to strengthen the head of government’s staff, after Jérôme Fournel, who was appointed chief of staff a week ago.

Barnier Prime Minister: “We cannot be accused of hold-up”, says LR MP Vincent Jeanbrun

« The Prime Minister asks me to provide him, on all subjects he considers useful, with a political and personal assessment which he will do with as he wishes but which is based on a trust that has been proven for more than twenty years,” explains Arnaud Danjean, who specifies that his mission will be ” flexible » covering various subjects, and not only defence issues, the favourite subject of this former DGSE employee.

“Out of loyalty”

All this, with a point of view ” very provincial “, aiming to get out” from a sometimes excessive Parisian prism among political leaders”. As a reminder, Arnaud Danjean is close to Michel Barnier, whom he supported during the LR primary at the end of 2021. Before that, in 2015, he joined Alain Juppé’s stable, with a view to the 2017 presidential election. Ahead of the last European elections, the person concerned had given up on running for a new mandate, announcing that he was distancing himself from the political world.

But not to the point of saying no to the new Prime Minister, appointed in an unprecedented political context: ” Out of loyalty, I accepted his proposal, one cannot back down when it comes to serving the interest of the country, especially in such a difficult situation. ».

Also see on Le HuffPost:

Barnier Prime Minister: “We cannot be accused of hold-up”, says LR MP Vincent Jeanbrun

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