End of the online vaccination certificate service: remember to download your covid-19 vaccination certificate before September 1!

End of the online vaccination certificate service: remember to download your covid-19 vaccination certificate before September 1!
End of the online vaccination certificate service: remember to download your covid-19 vaccination certificate before September 1!

The General Directorate of Health and Health Insurance announced the definitive closure of the “Vaccin Covid” vaccination certificate teleservice this Friday, June 28, 2024. As of this date, “Vaccin Covid” is therefore no longer accessible to healthcare professionals for recording new injections or modifying vaccination cycles. The reason ? This tool, developed by Health Insurance, “has not […] “It was not designed for routine vaccination monitoring,” says the Ameli.fr website. At the same time, the Health Insurance also announced the permanent closure of the “Vaccination Certificate” online service (which allowed people to retrieve their Covid-19 vaccination certificates) on September 1 at midnight.

How to recover your certificates?

Policyholders will therefore be able to continue to download vaccination certificates carried out before June 28, 2024 from their Ameli account or via the “Vaccination certificate” teleservice, until September 1, midnight; this teleservice being definitively closed on September 2, 2024.

These certificates are still necessary to travel to certain countries (1). Health Insurance therefore recommends downloading and saving them (before September 2!) in your My Health Space vaccination record in order to find them quickly if necessary. You can also simply download and print them in order to have them physically in your hands.

For people who do not have access to digital tools, it should be possible to turn to health professionals.

These closures have no impact on the monitoring of vaccination coverage against covid-19: this will continue to be ensured by the health authorities.

163 million injections recorded
The Covid Vaccine teleservice has recorded more than 163 million injections against covid-19 since its opening on January 4, 2021 (2).

Data kept for 30 years

The Directorate General of Health indicates on its website that “the data recorded since the beginning of vaccination are kept in a secure database for a period of 30 years (for the sole purpose of informing the vaccinated person in the event of new risks) . »

What about the Tous Anti Covid application

Although we can read here and there that it will still be possible after September 2 to find your vaccination certificates on the Tous Anti Covid application, nothing, however, is specified on this subject on the official sites… Contacted, the Ministry of Health told us that the application “has been on hold since June 30, 2023 […] It is still available in stores. However, it is no longer updated. However, as long as the application is not uninstalled, all certificates from the Vaccin Covid information system recorded by the patient in their Tous Anti Covid application remain currently accessible. » In other words, you will still be able to access your vaccination certificates on the application as long as it has not yet disappeared… This is also why it is strongly recommended to download them quickly…

(1) You can find out about the health regulations in force in your destination country on the website of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.



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