Is Covid-19 likely to disrupt your vacation?

Is Covid-19 likely to disrupt your vacation?
Is Covid-19 likely to disrupt your vacation?

© Dragana Gordic/Adobe Stock

– Covid-19 cases are on the rise this June.

Headaches and sore throats, body aches, fever… Symptoms felt by more and more French people this month of June. And for good reason, Covid-19 continues to circulate and an increase in “all indicators” was observed last week, according to the weekly surveillance bulletin from Public Health France published Wednesday June 26. The share of the virus in SOS Médecins medical procedures has increased by 0,9% in one week, in visits to emergency rooms 0,1% and in hospitalizations after going to the emergency room 0,3%.

But if the figures are cause for concern, some health professionals nevertheless want to be reassuring. This is particularly the case of Élodie Roman, pharmacist in Bouc-Bel-Air, in Bouches-du-Rhône, for whom the symptoms of Covid-19 are flu-like, without complications. “Nothing very bad, it looks like a big cold»she explains to France Bleu Provence. “If you test positive, there is not much you can do except to wear the mask at least for a week so as not to contaminate his family and colleagues.” specifies the pharmacist. So don’t panic, the virus is not likely to spoil your vacation.

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Covid-19 continues to evolve

As the Paris Olympic Games approach, infectious disease specialist Anne-Claude Crémieux warned of the risk of an increase in Covid-19 cases and strongly advised the wearing of masks for fragile and symptomatic people, particularly in public transport. common. “This virus continues to evolve. It evolves towards forms which increasingly escape our immunity»she explained on France 2, Monday June 24.

According to her, the current variant is not “no more contagious than the others”, but remains dangerous for the most vulnerable people. As a reminder, in the event of symptoms, it is better to wait between 24 and 48 hours before testing in order to avoid cases of false negatives. You can test yourself using a self-test or get tested directly in a pharmacy with an antigen test.



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