Why L’Oréal will put a QR code on all its products by 2026

Why L’Oréal will put a QR code on all its products by 2026
Why L’Oréal will put a QR code on all its products by 2026

© Julien Sarboraria

– L’Oréal wants to generalize QR codes on all its products.

The QR code will soon be back in the daily lives of the French! Don’t panic, this is not the QR code used during the Covid-19 pandemic which served as a health pass or to enter certain restaurants, for example. L’Oréal indeed wants to generalize it, has learned The echoesand affix it to all of its seven billion of productsA challenge for the world leader in beauty and cosmetics with the aim of eventually replacing all the barcodes on its products.

“We already have 1.5 billion products from 41 brands equipped with QR codes and we are committed to taking up the challenge of integrating them into all of our products”confirms with Echoes the director of the Beauty Tech program at L’Oréal, Stéphane Lannuzel. The goal for L’Oréal: double this volume “by 2025” and integrate QR codes on three billion products. More generally, the cosmetics giant wants to equip all its products with this device by the end of 2026, except those of small size like makeup pencils.

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L’Oréal uses “serialized” QR codes

Why such a revolution when the barcode, which is celebrating 50 years since its first scan, is still widely acclaimed by manufacturers today? A decision above all practical and fun for consumers, underlines the director of the Beauty Tech program. “The obvious applications are the integration of the benefits of the product, the list of its ingredients, but also that of interactive information in the use of the products”he emphasizes.

An advantage also for the safety of its products and the fight against fraud. For this, L’Oréal uses QR codes “serialized”noted The echoeswhich means that the identification is unique and “traceable”But the group does not throw itself into the lion’s den.

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QR codes were already tested six years ago, as part of the augmented product program. L’Oréal then wanted “strengthen the bridges between product and digital and open consumers to more experiential information”recalls Stéphane Lannuzel.



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