Book reveals Donald Trump secretly sent Covid tests to Vladimir Putin amid pandemic

Book reveals Donald Trump secretly sent Covid tests to Vladimir Putin amid pandemic
Book reveals Donald Trump secretly sent Covid tests to Vladimir Putin amid pandemic

The American media have distilled the good pages of a book written by the famous journalist Bob Woodward to be published on October 15. And Donald Trump is not spared.

In the book War to be published on October 15 and obtained in particular by our colleagues at CNN, the famous American journalist Bob Woodward – the one who investigated the Watergate scandal and pushed President Nixon to resign – reveals in particular that Donald Trump sent screening tests to Covid to Vladimir Putin, in 2020, when he was in power and the United States lacked it.

The Russian allegedly asked him not to tell anyone. Trump responded: “I don’t care.” (“I don’t care.”). And Vladimir Putin insisted: “No, no. I don’t want you to tell anyone, people will be angry with you, not me.”

Kamala Harris outraged

Still according to Bob Woodward, the former American president, currently campaigning for a second term in the White House, maintains a relationship with his Russian counterpart. A close friend of Donald Trump reportedly revealed to the journalist that, since the American was no longer in power, there have been seven telephone calls between him and Vladimir Putin. At the start of 2024, Donald Trump reportedly asked a collaborator to leave his office in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, to take a call from the Russian president.

“None of these stories fabricated by Bob Woodward are true, it is the work of a truly demented and unbalanced man,” responded a spokesperson for the Republican presidential candidate, asserting that the book “could use as toilet paper.

Kamala Harris, for her part, expressed her outrage: “Everyone in America was struggling to get kits and this guy is sending them to Russia, to a murderous dictator, for his personal use?”

The book Warwhich results from hundreds of hours of interviews with people close to the American political community, also details the management of the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and Israel and Hamas by the current American president, Joe Biden.

premium One month before the US presidential election, Harris and Trump neck and neck in several key states




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