Major player in cancerology in Île-de-

Major player in cancerology in Île-de-
Major player in cancerology in Île-de-France

The AP-HP is a major player in oncology in Île-de-. It provides treatment for breast cancer in its hospitals, from screening to different therapies: medical treatments (chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapies and immunotherapy), surgical interventions allowing for example the removal of tumors (with, if necessary, breast reconstruction). ) and radiotherapy. 5,963 patients were treated in hospitalization in 2023 in AP-HP hospitals for breast cancer, including 3,999 new patients.

In addition, the AP-HP is involved in the European certification process of the OECI (Organization of European Cancer Institute) and in the European approach of “comprehensive cancer center” networks supported by the INCa.
The AP-HP also offers its patients, whatever their income level, a rapid diagnosis in each of its GHUs and carries out, in nine authorized hospitals, the surgical procedures of tumor excision and breast reconstruction offered without exceeding the cost. ‘honorary. All are able to offer outpatient interventions, and very often in dedicated units. Today, more than 50% of patients are treated on an outpatient basis at the AP-HP.
Patients can also benefit from cutting-edge specialized cancer care such as chemotherapy, targeted therapies, immunotherapy, radiotherapy, as well as personalized support.
In recent years, the AP-HP has developed specific care pathwaysparticularly for pregnant patients (coordination of the national cancer and pregnancy network at Tenon hospital) and for obese and overweight patients (complete and multidisciplinary care with monitoring throughout treatment, physical activity sessions and dietary workshops at the Georges-Pompidou European Hospital).
In order to support the post-cancer period, each AP-HP establishment treating cancers also offers supportive care in order to improve the quality of life and care of patients, in addition to the anti-cancer treatments: sessions of adapted physical practice and rehabilitation through sport.
Access to a fertility preservation consultation is also possible within 48 hours, 365 days a year. A toll-free number for hospital or city health professionals has now been set up: 0800 45 45 45.
University hospitals, thanks to their research activities, also facilitate access to the latest medical or surgical innovations. The development of targeted therapies makes it possible today to treat each patient as closely as possible to the particularities of their cancer (development of new molecules to treat hormone-sensitive, “triple negative” cancers considered very aggressive, hereditary, etc.)


At the heart of AP-HP’s cancer control strategy, the rapid diagnostic centers (CDR) aim to accelerate diagnosis by offering patients whatever their income level a personalized, multidisciplinary and adapted to the severity of their pathology. These centers are located in the Henri-Mondor, European Georges-Pompidou, Jean-Verdier, Pitié-Salpêtrière, Saint-Louis, and Tenon hospitals. A telephone number and email address dedicated to each CDR allows the patient and the general practitioner to request an appointment within seven days and a diagnosis within 15 days.

To find out more: read the press kit


On the occasion of Pink October, several actions are planned in AP-HP hospitals, discover their program.

GHU AP-HP. Seine-Saint-Denis University Hospitals

René- Hospital, October 7 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.:
• information and exchanges on screening with the CRCDC 93, regional center for coordinating cancer screenings on the care pathway in the Jean-Verdier and Avicenne hospitals with the Espace Soins & Vie Martine Midy and the occupational health service of René-Muret;
• self-examination awareness workshop.
Avicenna Hospital, October 10 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.:
• exchanges with cancer care teams and local community and institutional partners;
• several conferences around the issues of early detection, the heredity of breast cancer, its reconstruction and new developments in treatment;
• workshops: awareness of self-palpation, sports therapy, nutrition, relaxation and sophrology, introduction to music therapy, back massage, Snoezelen approach, breast and hair prostheses, hand care in the well-being bubble.
Jean-Verdier Hospital, October 15 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.:
• exchanges with cancer care teams and local community and institutional partners;
• mammography visits;
• workshops: awareness of self-palpation, sports therapy, nutrition, breast and hair prostheses.

GHU AP-HP. Sorbonne University

Tenon Hospital, October 8 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.:
• information stands, events and conference “Breast cancer management: a global and integrated pathway” with the participation of health professionals from the hospital and associations.
Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, October 10 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.:
• prevention stands, discovery workshops on supportive care and a cycle of conferences “Breast cancer: a personalized journey for each woman” with 9 health professionals and partners to raise awareness and provide as much information as possible about the disease;
• a “well-being” bubble will also be offered with socio-aesthetics and well-being workshops.

GHU AP-HP. Paris-Saclay University

Ambroise-Paré Hospital, October 8 from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
• breast cancer screening awareness stands in partnership with the health service of the city of Boulogne-Billancourt, the DAC 92 (Cancer screening – Île-de-France coordination center Hauts-de-Seine site) and the ASDES (Access to health care, rights and education.
Antoine-Béclère Hospital, October 9 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.:
• organization of stands on self-palpation, the modalities of mammography and ultrasound examinations and the identification of risk factors and prevention with hospital professionals, but also an information stand on supportive care and therapeutic education with the DAC 92 and the territorial patient therapeutic education unit.
Bicêtre Hospital, October 18 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.:
• organization of screening stands with breast palpation and possibility of a mammogram/ultrasound at the end if necessary and “self-palpation bust” with Roche to learn the gestures. An ambassador (patient) from Amoéna will also be present to present external breast prostheses and lingerie, and quizzes will be offered;
• stands from CPAM 94 and the Vivre comme avant, Jeune et Rose and Europa Donna associations will also be present.

GHU AP-HP. Henri-Mondor University Hospitals

Henri-Mondor Hospital, October 3 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.:
• organization of stands by Elite, the Roche laboratories, the Patient Network and Mondorphine associations, the CPAM 94, the Complementary Mutual of Public Agents as well as the teams from the Henri-Mondor breast disease center, the oncology coordination center and the Calipsso platform;
• activities around “Art and senology: support for the overall care of patients”: participatory workshops and art therapy with the artist Marso Savaro and the Artcurhope endowment fund, discovery of music therapy with the the Musique Sans Frontières association;
• a “well-being” bubble with relaxation sessions and massages from the Calipsso platform;
Georges-Clemenceau Hospital from October 1 to 4:
• creative and sports workshops, offering socio-aesthetics and sophrology led by hospital professionals;
• information and awareness stands around prevention and palpation but also awareness workshop with the participation of the National Hospital Mutual, the Complementary Mutual and the media library.

GHU AP-HP. Paris Cité University Center

Georges-Pompidou European Hospital, October 7 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.:
• information stands with La Ligue contre le cancer, MIS Cancérologie, MNH and the associations Rosa Mouv, Reconstruction Sein Infos, Europa Donna, Elles dansent, Render them the smile, Patients en network, Le Vent Bleu and onCOGITE;
• prevention and care workshops with the Daiichi Sankyo laboratory and La Roche Posay;
• “after-cancer” conference around preconceived ideas, the care pathway and innovations.
Cochin Hospital – Port-Royal:
• information and prevention stands with self-examination on a mannequin.
Necker-Sick Children Hospital:
• launch of an internal communication campaign to remind all professionals of the possibility of carrying out their control mammograms in the breast unit of the hospital’s radiology department.
Hôtel-Dieu Hospital, October 15, 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.:
• Paris After Cancer information and prevention stands, Cancer sector and work with the teams from the professional and environmental pathologies department, but also an embroidery workshop with the Cognacq Jay Foundation and Berber pancakes.

GHU AP-HP. North – Paris Cité University

Louis-Mourier Hospital, October 9 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.:
• exchanges with the medical and paramedical teams of the PAM (ambulatory medical-surgical platform) and knowledge tests using a wheel;
• presence of numerous associations and partners with information stands (Ligue contre le cancer, La Roche Posay, INCa, ELITE), well-being stands run by the Evoleoz association, a make-up stand as well as a stand oriented towards sports practice in oncological care by the Cami and Rose Pilate associations.
• photo exhibition of town hall.
Saint-Louis Hospital, October 9 and 12:
• October 9 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., in the hall of the Saint-Louis hospital: associative village, information and discussion stands with the sénopôle team, patient and sénopôle choir, representation of dance, well-being bubble for patients or even “pedal against breast cancer” cycling challenge! » ;
• October 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., collective walk from Saint-Louis to Parc des Buttes then outdoor event with sporting challenges, concerts and raffle.
Bichat Hospital, October 10 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.:
• discussions around screening with professionals from gynecology and dietetics services and the League Against Cancer, but also around sport and beauty with the Cami Sport&Cancer, Championnet Sport, Siel bleu, the Galerie des turbans, ANY d ‘AVRAY, CRLAB and BAHAN Paris;
• sophrology, foot reflexology and oil hand massage workshops, and show and demonstration of Afro-Caribbean dance with the Elles dansent association.

> Find the details of these mobilization days on the websites of the respective hospitals.



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