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Accelerate AI innovation for patients

Accelerate AI innovation for patients
Accelerate AI innovation for patients

Owkin and AP-HP: a collaboration that has enabled scientific advances in oncology over the past five years

The collaboration between AP-HP and Owkin since 2019 has advanced health research with around twenty projects, some of which have resulted in scientific publications, including:

  • The Bicêtre AP-HP hospital, a pilot in digital pathology, has positioned itself as a pioneer in breast cancer by testing “RlapsRisk® BC[1]an innovative AI solution designed to help doctors assess the relapse risk of breast cancer patients. This pilot project, led by Professor Catherine Guettier, allowed the Bicêtre AP-HP hospital to try the tool and provide feedback to Owkin for the development of RlapsRisk® BC. The goal is that this tool will ultimately help pathologists and oncologists develop personalized treatment plans, monitor the occurrence of recurrences and early-stage survival rates, and ultimately improve overall outcomes for patients. patients. Increasing pathology analysis capabilities using AI could enable better tailoring of treatments to each patient.
  • PACpAInt, decodes the complexity of pancreatic cancerpotentially revolutionizing the diagnosis and treatment of a disease with the lowest survival rate of all common cancers. This tool makes it possible to predict the molecular subtypes of pancreatic cancer from histological slides. PACpAInt was the subject of a publication in Nature Communications with co-authors Professor Jérôme Cros, from the Beaujon AP-HP hospital and Rémy Nicolle, researcher at Inserm. With the expansion of digital pathology, PACpAInt enhances the potential of using histology-based deep learning models.

Furthermore, the AP-HP is a partner of Owkin and Sorbonne University as part of the RHU AI-Triomph to optimize oncology clinical trials using AIthanks to a multimodal approach. Professor Magali Svrcek, from the pathological anatomy and cytology department, at the Saint-Antoine AP-HP hospital and Professor Jean-Baptiste Bachet from the gastroenterology and hepatology department at the Salpêtrière AP-HP hospital, co – carry the RHU which is interested in ductal adenocarcinomas of the pancreas and esophagus and thyroid cancers refractory to radioactive iodine, three cancers with poor prognosis. This project aims to develop an AI system to improve personalized therapeutic approaches, optimize the design of clinical trials and develop a “cancer intelligence hub” backed by AP-HP.

AP-HP: Europe’s first hospital data warehouse

The AP-HP health data warehouse (EDS) brings together the health data of 14 million patients admitted to the 38 AP-HP hospitals (administrative, clinical data, results of biological examinations, accounts -medical reports, treatments, imaging exams). EDS makes it possible to conduct studies using specific artificial intelligence technologies (computer vision, automatic language processing), to make diagnoses, stratify patient populations and develop digital twins.



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