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The seven hospitals of the GHU AP-HP. -Saclay University certified by the High Authority of Health

The seven hospitals of the GHU AP-HP. -Saclay University certified by the High Authority of Health
The seven hospitals of the GHU AP-HP. Paris-Saclay University certified by the High Authority of Health

As part of the procedure of Certification HAS (version 2020) to which all health establishments are subject, the GHU AP-HP. Université -Saclay completed its certification cycle with six visits spread between October 2023 and April 2024. The last decision from HAS dates from September.

The Maritime hospitals of Berck and Sainte-Périne have received the “High Quality of Care” designation, the highest level of certification provided by the HAS. The Antoine-Béclère, Bicêtre, Paul-Brousse, Ambroise-Paré and Raymond-Poincaré hospitals have been certified
“Confirmed quality of care”, with compliance rates with the benchmark between 92.7% and 95.7%.

Present for four to five days within the establishments depending on the visits, the HAS visiting experts carried out more than 348 evaluations and 250 observation periods focused on patient care, evaluation of professional practices, approach and quality management. The clinical and medical-technical departments of the seven hospitals were visited.

The final reports highlight many strong points, in particular respect for the patient, values ​​and practices of good treatment, pain management but also the structuring of pathways, the coordination of teams and the multi-professional resources mobilized in the services. The visiting experts also praised the structured quality policy, the strong commitment of user representatives and volunteer associations, and the involvement of patients and their loved ones.

Areas for improvement were also proposed, notably relating to informing the patient about advance directives and the trusted person, continuing the evaluation of safety checklists, finalizing work to reconfigure certain premises or appropriation of evaluation approaches and improvement of practices.

The homogeneity of the results obtained by the seven hospitals should be highlighted and thus demonstrates the appropriation, whatever the mode of patient care, of a generalized quality culture supported by dynamic management. These results are the result of the involvement of all GHU teams and demonstrate a culture of quality and risk management anchored in practices. They constitute recognition of the teams’ daily commitment to patients and their loved ones. The GHU would like to thank nearly 12,000 professionals involved for their commitment.

Building on these results, establishments are continuing their mobilization by undertaking actions to maintain the quality dynamic at the service of patients and their loved ones.



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