Obituary. Born in , settled in , the actor Denis Fouquereau was thirsty for contacts

Obituary. Born in , settled in , the actor Denis Fouquereau was thirsty for contacts
Obituary. Born in Saumur, settled in Angers, the actor Denis Fouquereau was thirsty for contacts

A departure that will not make anyone laugh. On the night of Friday 20 to Saturday 21 September, the actor, singer and clown Denis Fouquereau, well known in artistic and cultural circles in Maine-et-, died, as revealed by our colleagues from Western Mail .

Clown: “One of the bridges that lead to acting”

Born in 42 years ago, Denis Fouquereau had been living in since his higher education (law and history faculty, regional conservatory of dramatic art). He had also trained as a clown, “one of the bridges that lead to the acting profession”, as he said to our colleague Laurent Beauvallet ofWest , during an interview during the Covid-19 health crisis in April 2020.

“I work on a human level”

Denis Fouquereau also participated in the musical adventure of Henri, Léon et les autres and was involved in the fanfare A la gueule du ch’val. A jack-of-all-trades, he practiced his art in many fields. “I crave connections, he confided in our columns in April 2020, I function as a human being.”

Musical pastilles, “schoolboyish and light”

During the confinement imposed at this time, the artist, often in the credits of the plays of Frédéric Bélier-Garcia, the former director of the Le Quai theater in Angers, made a point of posting a video – “light and childish”, as he said – per week on his Facebook account. Funny and profound musical clips, which had no other ambition than to bring him closer, even virtually, to others.

Still according to The Western Maila tribute was paid to him this Sunday in front of the Le Quai theater. A way to accompany one last time an endearing man who said: “I have never seen my job as a solitary one.”



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