Before marrying Prince Harry, Meghan Markle was an actress in the series Suits. If she put her career aside following her marriage, the former actress has not kept in touch with the other actors of the fiction. As revealed by Express UK, one of his co-stars in the series has also spoken out on the subject. On the red carpet of the 2024 Golden Globes, Gina Torres revealed that Meghan was not part of the WhatsApp group in which the former actors exchange. The latter clarified to our colleagues at Variety: “Our thread is crazy right now, It’s very exciting.”.
“We don’t have his number.”
She thus revealed the reason for Meghan Markle’s absence on the group chat. She confided: “We don’t have his number. We just don’t have it.”. If Prince Harry’s wife has many projects, she preferred to distance herself from certain people in show business. Recently, she made her big comeback on Instagram. On New Year’s Day, Archie and Lilibet’s mother shared a short video in which she is seen running on a Californian beach. She then wrote “2025” in the sand. A few hours later, big news was announced. The Duchess of Sussex unveiled the trailer for her new series, With Love, Meghan on Netflix. It is an eight-episode series featuring her in a prestigious kitchen, in which she shares her tips (…)
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