Charles (Star Academy) comforts Marine by revealing to her an event that occurred behind the scenes of the prime

Charles (Star Academy) comforts Marine by revealing to her an event that occurred behind the scenes of the prime
Charles (Star Academy) comforts Marine by revealing to her an event that occurred behind the scenes of the prime

Today at 12:46 – by Doriane Kiniali

The day after the “semi-final objective” bonus, the academicians still in the running gathered around Marlène Schaff for her traditional debrief. Watching the images from the prime again, Marine broke down while talking about her complexes. Touched by his friend, Charles comforted her by revealing to her what a viewer told him before the start of the prime.

Marine, Charles, Ulysse and Franck were the nominees for the “semi-final objective” bonus. After an evening punctuated by high-level performances, the public chose to eliminate Ulysses, thus marking the end of his adventure within the Star Academy. Her comrades did not have time to recover from their emotions when Marlène Schaff arrived at the castle of Dammarie-les-Lys for her traditional debrief. The stage expression teacher, as usual, returned to each of the students’ performances.

“You can’t imagine that…” : Marine (Star Academy) breaks down when talking about his complexes

Seeing herself on screen, Marine broke down and expressed her complexes. “I don’t have a thing of elegance, when you see Ebony, she is slender, too beautiful, I’m here, the little pixie…”she says, with tears in her eyes, before being reassured by her teacher. “I recognize a lot of things when you speak that I myself was able to experience. When I was your age, it was something that people talked to me about often. People said to me: ‘Marlene, you need to be more attractive.’ But I said: ‘It’s not my personality, it’s not what I want to say’. I guess I didn’t understand what that meant.” Despite the comforting words of Marlène Schaff, Marine does not budge. “I’m not saying that I think I’m ugly. But when I have good makeup and hair like that, I think I’m beautiful. But it’s things like ten centimeters more, three kilos less, these are little things … When you imagine a classy and attractive woman, you don’t imagine that.”

Charles (Star Academy) consoles Marine by revealing what a viewer told him before the start of the prime

Immediately comforted by her comrades, Marine was able to count on the support of Charles. The youngest of the adventure then told him what a person from the public told him before the prime began. I went up to someone in the audience before it started and he said to me: ‘You will tell Marine that she is so beautiful.’ And I didn’t tell you that. Words that immediately made the young woman smile.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias

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