“I needed therapy”, this Miss completely traumatized by “Fort Boyard” testifies

“I needed therapy”, this Miss completely traumatized by “Fort Boyard” testifies
“I needed therapy”, this Miss France completely traumatized by “Fort Boyard” testifies

Elected Miss in 2001Élodie Gossuin has never really disappeared from the media landscape. On the contrary, she has increased her appearances on television.

Having participated twelve times on the show Fort Boyardthe former beauty queen did not have a very good experience with her last experience, in 2023. She recently spoke on RTL, on Saturday November 30.

Élodie Gossuin holds the record for participation in Fort Boyard

Twelve times is the number of participations by Élodie Gossuin in Fort Boyardthe cult program broadcast on France 2. This is quite simply the show's record. Miss France 2001 participated in the 2001, 2003, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023 editions. A very good track record for, closely followed however by Bruno Guillon (eleven participations).

After her experience of 2024, the one who was a time columnist in Don't touch my postwill perhaps think twice before returning to the fort. Created in 1990, Fort BoyarIt was therefore in its 34th season in 2024. Élodie Gossuin teamed up with Adeline Tonutti, Jimmy Mohamed, Érika Moulet, Keen'V and Jean-Baptiste Marteau. A sequence in particular would have traumatized her.

Élodie Gossuin: “It was the worst ordeal ever experienced at Fort Boyard”

On Saturday November 30, 2024, Élodie Gossuin was the guest of Éric Dussart and Jade on their show We're doing againon RTL. Miss Europe 2001 had the opportunity to confide on many subjects, and in particular on his last participation in Fort Boyard.

Éric Dussart highlighted the fact that the 43-year-old former model “lived hell” in each of his many participations. But for the latter, no edition has been more trying than in 2024. “I still needed a little therapy. It was the worst ordeal ever experienced at Fort Boyard. I found myself locked in a coffin in the dark, snakes poured out on meshe explained.

A trauma for a good cause

Élodie Gossuin assures that this ordeal had a strong impact on her. “There, really, it was a trauma. It lasted forever. It was very complicated to live with. It just goes to show that I am sometimes surprised even after twelve times. I was bad, really bad”she clarified on RTL.

Despite her aversion to snakes, the former Miss France don't necessarily regret. She is proud of having managed to overcome her fear but above all of having been able to make additional gains for Unicerf, an association of which she is an ambassador. “You tell yourself that you don't have the right to let go. It's the only place I've bungee jumped. Never in my life will I bungee jump anywhere other than Fort Boyard.”she concludes. We will perhaps see Élodie Gossuin again in Fort Boyard in 2025.

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