Kanye West reportedly visiting Moscow this weekend

Kanye West reportedly visiting Moscow this weekend
Kanye West reportedly visiting Moscow this weekend

American rapper Kanye West, who has repeatedly sparked controversy in the United States, was in Moscow on Sunday for a private visit, Russian media reported.

This move is surprising, as most Western musicians have avoided Russia since the start of the offensive in Ukraine in February 2022, which led to a barrage of sanctions against Moscow and a serious crisis in relations with the Westerners.

“Kanye West is in Moscow! This is excellent news, it is in the heart of the capital,” announced producer Yana Rudkovskaya, quoted by the public press agency TASS.

Former Russian presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak posted a short video on Telegram that she claims shows the American rapper on the roof of the famous GUM shopping mall, looking out over Red Square. According to her, Kanye West is in Moscow to “celebrate the 40th birthday of his friend Gosha Rubchinskiy,” a popular Russian fashion designer.

Kanye West, who has previously expressed admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin, sparked controversy at home after he praised Adolf Hitler in particular.

The artist, also known for his fashion brand Yeezy, has become a show business pariah since he made a string of anti-Semitic remarks in 2022. Several brands, including Adidas, Gap and Balenciaga, have cut ties with him.



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