Sandrine Brisson opens up about her ADHD

Sandrine Brisson opens up about her ADHD
Sandrine Brisson opens up about her ADHD

Sandrine Bisson makes her big comeback on stage thanks to Me… and the other one. In 1995, Ricardo Trogi’s new film coming out in July, she reprises her role as Claudette. And as luck would have it, she celebrates a quarter century of career and love.

• Read also: Finally See Ricardo Trogi’s Hilarious 1995 Trailer

Sandrine, in the brand new room Me… and the other one by Kim Lévesque Lizotte, inspired by the cult series with Denise Filiatrault and Dominique Michel, you play two characters. Who are they?

First, I play Mrs. Clark, a stiff British woman who is going to let loose. I also play the role of Francine, a completely different character. She is a mix of someone who was born a little short of air and Manon Massé. (laughs) I am very happy to have these two roles, it is fun for an actress. Also, I had not touched the theater since before the pandemic. I see all this as a vacation, as if, every night of performance, I was going to participate in a party of friends without alcohol.

You are celebrating your 25th career anniversary. Does this anniversary bring back memories?

Yes. The famous André Brassard passed away in 2022, and every morning I go to my office, where I have a picture of him. Because 25 years ago, he was my director, and he was the one who chose me. (A director and filmmaker, André Brassard was also the artistic director of the French section of the National Theatre School of Canada from 1991 to 2000.) When I auditioned to get into the school, he had drawn a little heart next to my name. At the time, I didn’t know it, but that little heart meant that I was going straight to the internship stage. I arrived at the internship as if wings had grown on my back. He immediately saw the potential as an actress in me. I think about him often. I say to myself: “I hope that upstairs, he is happy with me, with the choices I make.”

You were diagnosed with attention deficit disorder in 2012. Looking back, do you see that this disorder complicated your studies and the start of your career?

I think so. I would say it almost ruined my future. I often panicked. I found out I had this disorder when I was 35. At that moment, and with hindsight, I was able to understand different situations… We come to forgive ourselves much more. It wasn’t because I was stupid… It just takes more work than the average actor. Besides, André Brassard was always kind to me. It was my trampoline. Today, I think differently… My past and my experiences have been very enriching for my journey as an actress.

Another big event coming in July: the release of 1995the new film by Ricardo Trogi, in which you play Claudette, his mother. This time, what can we expect from your character?

Once again, Claudette feels great pride in her son, but she expresses it in a different way. Above all, it’s very touching. When I read the script for 1995, I cried a lot. We are witnessing Ricardo’s first productions as part of the show La course destination monde. It’s very funny, because Jean-Carl Boucher, his interpreter, himself became a director. Ricardo is very touching, he is getting older very well. In addition, some of the films he made for The Race deal with realities similar to what is happening in the world today.

Ricardo Trogi and you are now the story of a long collaboration…

When I started working with Ricardo for 1981, it was in 2008, I was pregnant with my son, Lambert. I’m intense, and Ricardo opened the door to my intensity, he brought it forward.

The general public really discovered you thanks to their films 1981, 1987 et 1991. Your performances in these feature films were celebrated with trophies, and you became a star thanks to the series Raspberry time et Happiness.

I don’t have that business. I don’t want that star status, it’s not in me. And I find it a burden to bear, I find it dangerous. I don’t want the speaking out that can come with that status, because I don’t tend to have strong opinions.


You are also celebrating the 25th anniversary of your love story with Stéphane Goyette!

Yes, I should tell him that! (laughs) Because we don’t celebrate that. But, yes, 25 years ago, we met in a bar, on the night of my birthday, June 22. Now retired, he worked as a dental technician.

Photo : Patrick Seguin / TVA Pu

And your son, Lambert?

He’s 15, and he’s amazing. He makes a lot of music in his home studio; he started making it when he was nine. I listen to it in my car. He’s amazing, and I’m not the only one who thinks so!

The room Me… and the other one will be presented at the Théâtre du Vieux-Terrebonne starting June 27: The two seasons of the series Raspberry time are available on Club illico. 1995 hits theaters July 31. Details at




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