Pierre Palmade: “it’s her business”, these confidences from Muriel Robin that she kept to herself

Pierre Palmade: “it’s her business”, these confidences from Muriel Robin that she kept to herself
Pierre Palmade: “it’s her business”, these confidences from Muriel Robin that she kept to herself

Pierre Palmade’s life took a new turn on February 10, 2023. The comedian was driving his car when he was involved in a terrible road accident. After losing control of his car, he collided with a vehicle going the wrong way. A pregnant woman lost her baby, a father and his seven-year-old son were seriously injured. Investigators quickly discovered that Pierre Palmade had consumed a large quantity of drugs. A case on which Pierre Arditi, guest on the show At Jordan’s This Friday, June 28, wanted to return. He particularly mentioned Muriel Robin’s speech, which was very brief.

Jordan de Luxe was determined to get his guest talking.
“Muriel Robin and Michèle Laroque, who were very close friends of Pierre Palmade, cut off all contact”, begins the journalist before specifying that Michèle Laroque deleted all the images from her social networks on which the comedian was present. For his part, Pierre Arditi was frank on the subject. “I can’t speak for them but he was on a pedestal and he fell off. For everyone else”, he assured. A situation that the actor greatly regrets. “I can’t say it’s great. I regret it because he’s a guy who has talent, which I liked. He’s a fragile young man,” said Pierre Arditi.

Pierre Palmade affair: Pierre Arditi’s very blunt opinion on the subject

Pierre Arditi, who is very close to Muriel Robin, claims to have “spoken very little” with her about this affair.
She doesn’t want to talk about it. She’s right and that’s her business,” continues the comedian. He assures however that this situation is very sad. “He’s a talented guy. “It’s a misfortune in someone’s life something like that,” continues Pierre Arditi who then adds:
“I find it sad, I have no other words.” Pierre Palmade’s life has taken a new turn since this affair. If he was highly publicized before, this is no longer the case and it is with his loved ones that he tries to cope with his addictions. Far from the media spotlight but also from his friends.

Following this affair, Muriel Robin’s speech was highly anticipated. Very close to the comedian for many years, the actress had agreed to say a few words. Invited to the Edouard VII theater to receive an award in March 2023, Muriel Robin confided on the air of BFMTV.
I think of the victims who are in hospital.” ,

she began before continuing: “I hope that justice will do what is necessary… to soften it, but it cannot be softened, I think of the victims, as I said.” As she spoke for the first time, she then added:
If you see me, it means I’m fine. It hasn’t been the case lately.” a conclu Muriel Robin.

Muriel Robin and Pierre Arditi: a long-standing friendship

In front of Jordan de Luxe, Pierre Arditi did not hesitate to praise his friend. While a photo of Muriel Robin is shown, he immediately states: “That’s my friend! It’s Mumu”. Happy to see his friend, Pierre Arditi then specifies: “He’s an angel but with a character, fortunately.” Both shared the stage for the play entitled Lapland.
“We’ve been saying to ourselves for 40 years that we have to play together. I regret that it was interrupted partway through but we played very well”the actor said. In fact, he suffered a malaise and had to rest for several days.

Pierre Arditi was delighted to be able to talk about his friend.
“The show was a hit, except for ten days when I couldn’t perform” , he regretted, however. Concerning his friendship with Muriel Robin, it is long-standing and very important to the actor. Jordan de Luxe asked him if they were still in touch. “I spoke to him 48 hours ago,” said the main person concerned before continuing: “We are very close. Friendship is not the frequency of meeting but the intensity of this friendship.”



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