Giulia Foïs exhibits herself on a poster of the New Popular Front? The management of France Inter apparently does not see where the problem is…

It seems that Jean-François Achilli is very worried about the columnist… Does she benefit from a separate status?

Giulia Foïs is a journalist, producer and author. She works, among other things, on public radio. Low-end feminism and crazy theories on gender being within everyone’s reach, this woke host decided to make them her favorite subjects. The most informed feminists have nourished his reflections on the “ patriarchy systemism “, she confides on Louie Media. She was part of the jury of the late magazine Chat when it awarded its prize for the best feminist essay to… Alice Coffin. On France Inter, she hosted Not his typea broadcast through which listeners learned, among other astonishing things, that ” feminism is the theory, lesbianism is the practice “, that women must ” s‘allowing them to do without men, in their heads as in their beds “, what “ men are no more than‘an option, among d‘others. » She admires Judith Butler and Virginie Despentes. Caroline De Haas inspires him. For two years, she has hosted, still on France Inter, a weekly program entitled On the sidelines.

Amine El Khatmi will not be invited to his show right away

On June 22, during the last show of the season – a show dedicated to… “ an imaginary country, the Matriarchy » – Giulia Foïs received another authorTyphaine D[1]a thinker of her ilk who invented a supposedly emancipatory language, a gibberish – basically, she adds “e”s everywhere to “feminize the language” – with which she wrote Countdown talesa piece she will perform this summer at the (increasingly woke) Avignon Festival: “ It’s a feminist rewriting of fairy tales,” begins to explain the thinker in question before starting to completely drift off: “ I wanted to start with the first sentence which is… Once upon a time. And there, I said to myself, but who is this “he”, this guy who wants to start my book and who wants to parade at the front? And I said to myself: but how can I make a book that emancipates me with a grammar that oppresses me, that reminds me in every sentence that women are negligible or are invisible. » Giulia Foïs did not think it necessary to point out to her guest that the “he” in “once upon a time” does not in any way designate a “guy” but forms with the verb be what we call an impersonal phrase – clearly, in this case, the pronoun “he” represents nothing and no one. Two possibilities: 1) The empathetic Giulia Foïs did not want to embarrass her uneducated host. 2) She herself is unaware of the existence of these impersonal forms and believes, like Typhaine D, that “it’s raining” is a masculinist and patriarchal expression. Given the lady’s intellectual level, I unfortunately fear that…

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As you can see, Giulia Foïs is a journalist who has been able to bend to all the progressive orthodoxies of the moment, neo-feminism, LGBTism, and wokism in general. Always attracted to the far left, in 2022 she signed a call to vote for Jean-Luc Mélenchon. A few days ago, a poster from the New Popular Front announced her arrival at a meeting to be held in Lyon. The same photo as the one illustrating her radio show on the France Inter website was used on the political poster. Given the leftist trend and the limitless propaganda against the “far right” in the public media, Giulia Foïs probably thought that this would go down well. But some personalities, including the founder of Printemps républicain, Amine El Khatmi, immediately made the connection with the case of journalist Jean-François Achilli. The management of France Info has in fact recently dismissed the latter for a “serious misconduct”, a meeting with Jordan Bardella in the context of a potential participation in the writing of an autobiography of the politician, participation that the journalist had declined. Referring to the code of ethics of journalists of Radio France, Jean-Philippe Baille, director of the said radio, explained: ” We had an obligation to react. These rules are there to protect the ethics of our profession, guarantee the independence of our journalists and maintain the confidence of the French in their public service.. » Giulia Foïs apparently enjoys a special status.

Another blow from the fascist sphere!

Moreover, it would seem that she was mainly a victim of the fachosphere. The finest bloodhounds of Release in matters of “information verification” (or CheckNews) have launched an investigation to save Private Foïs. The truth is finally out: the journalist allegedly made “ the subject of online attacks, largely from the far right ». « The media of the bollosphere, acting as usual in concert, [seraient] thrown into the “affair”, denouncing the collusion between public broadcasting and the left » – collusion which is imaginary, as everyone knows. The vigilant investigators of Libé contacted Giulia Foïs who had planned, she explained to them, to intervene during this meeting to “ defending the rights of women and children ” highlighting his personal experience and that of his son ” a situation they handicap “. Because Giulia Foïs is afraid: ” We know what the far right does to disability and the disabled and anything that is outside the norm. We know what the RN promises for women too, so when the situation is so serious, I go there with my heart, I go there with my guts. »

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Giulia Foïs finally gave up on coming to the NFP meeting. However, Liberation was made aware of the text that the journalist intended to read at this meeting. A criticism of the deterioration of public debate and the rise of the extreme right was, it seems, the main part of it. But, the journalist claims, this was not part of any activism. She only wanted to ” highlight the birthnecessity of‘a more inclusive world’ ” and regret that we have ” succeeded in making people believe that the RN is a party like the others ” A sad mixture of arrogance and naivety.

She now hopes see the entire press standing up against this threat represented by the extreme right “. It has clearly escaped Giulia Foïs that the “entire press” (or almost) did not wait for her injunction to pound the propaganda of the beavers. France Inter, the radio station that employs her, is not the last to promote, more or less subtly, the famous “republican barrier” against the RN. Reason why, unlike Jean-François Achilli, Giulia Foïs has nothing to fear. Besides, she says to Libéshe had discussions with the radio management ” quite soft » which do not suggest any sanction, even minimal.

Giulia Foïs is now waiting for the election results with fear in her stomach. Will the dark hours definitely fall on France? Is the foul beast back, ready to devour the disabled and women? And, above all, the contract of Mme Will Foïs with France Inter be renewed at the start of the school year? Scary questions. Responses in a little over ten days.

[1] I devoted an article to this strange creature which appeared on May 20, 2020 in these columns.

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