In the United Kingdom: Taylor Swift’s selfie with Prince William creates a buzz

In the United Kingdom: Taylor Swift’s selfie with Prince William creates a buzz
In the United Kingdom: Taylor Swift’s selfie with Prince William creates a buzz

Prince William dancing to Taylor Swift’s biggest hits in concert doesn’t happen every day. The popstar wanted to immortalize this moment by taking a selfie alongside the prince and his two children, George and Charlotte, backstage. The photo generated a real buzz when it was published on Instagram.

The selfie, published on June 22 on Taylor Swift’s account, garnered more than 9 million likes in just three days. The most unexpected are the new followers who joined the official account of the royal family: according to the magazine “Hello!”, the account gained more than 201,000 subscribers in just two days!

The Swifties, nickname given to Taylor’s fans, invaded the account of the prince and princess, after discovering the selfie posted by the singer. This movement was absolutely not expected by the royal family, but allows it to create a link with a younger and more diverse audience, according to the celebrity magazine.

Prince William went to Taylor Swift’s concert in London on Friday June 21, 2024, to mark his 42nd birthday. If he had a good time at the concert while dancing in publicit was ultimately the selfie published on Taylor’s social networks that caused the biggest buzz.

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