Kevin Guedj and Carla Moreau accused of harassment: Haneia looks back on her painful experience on reality TV

Kevin Guedj and Carla Moreau accused of harassment: Haneia looks back on her painful experience on reality TV
Kevin Guedj and Carla Moreau accused of harassment: Haneia looks back on her painful experience on reality TV

Haneia has radically changed her life. Recently settled in Utah in the United States, the former reality TV candidate converted to the Mormon Church and now shares a peaceful and spiritual life with her husband Marlowe. A radical choice after having experienced hell on French television.

Haneia has chosen to embrace a whole new life., far from the ruthless world of reality TV. The pretty brunette, known for her strong character, now lives in Utah, in the United States. An exile which is not insignificant since former candidate joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintsmore commonly known as the Mormon Church. Now married to a certain Marlowe, Haneia lives a daily life that is the polar opposite of what she has known before. Exit the designer clothes or the low-cut tops; she now proudly wears traditional dresses, large hats and aprons for cooking. Her new life, worthy of another era, is intriguing. Haneia therefore opened the doors of her paradise to the influencer Jeremstar.

Jeremstar finds Haneia at the Mormon Church

In a long video posted on YouTube, Jeremstar reveals his journey to Utah to discover Haneia’s new daily life. The influencer tries to understand this extraordinary life and how the brunette with piercing eyes got there. She admits: “I really lost my temper on TV.” It must be said that the candidate has a series of stories in front of but also behind the cameras. She then adds: “I decided to straighten myself out, to find my sources, to move away a little from this universe which gravitated around me and which was unhealthy, to find myself with solid foundations in the Church.”. And if Haneia was so radical, sweeping away everything at once, it’s becauseshe was trying to get out of hell.

Haneia victim of harassment from Kevin Guedj and Carla Moreau, she confides

Haneia told Jeremstar that her experience in reality TV had been marked by violence, betrayals and manipulation, notably on the part of a former couple that Jeremstar does not hesitate to name: Carla Moreau and Kevin Guedj. It created after-effects for me because I felt betrayed, used… I experienced harassment from one person and it was mainly her who wouldn’t let go of me and that’s traumatic. […] They were ready for anything, even if I received harassment”, she says before referring to the stories of witchcraft that had stirred up the community: “We saw her in the scandals afterwards… This person does everything and anything to shine, even wanting death on certain people around her. I have never received an apology for these things, they are still very serious things.” Si Haneia garde a bitter memory of this periodthe chapter is now closed. The young woman can boast of having found peace.



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