“I regret so much…I got lost”, Kendji Girac breaks the silence on the tragedy in a moving video

“I regret so much…I got lost”, Kendji Girac breaks the silence on the tragedy in a moving video
“I regret so much…I got lost”, Kendji Girac breaks the silence on the tragedy in a moving video

This Monday, June 24, justice put an end to the Kendji Girac affair. 2 months after the singer was shot in the chest. The singer initially pleaded a domestic accident, the case took a turn of “suicide blackmail” when the winner of The Voice changed his version several times.

Kendji Girac will not be prosecuted for attempted intentional homicide since the courts closed the case without further action.

Two days after this verdict, Kendji Girac has just spoken for the first time in front of the camera. He just posted a video on his Instagram account.

Kendji Girac comes out of silence

On May 10, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his victory in The Voice and therefore from the beginning of his career, Kendji Girac spoke out, in writing. Still on social networks, he apologized to his audience.

This evening, he addresses them once again. “ I’m so stressed and happy at the same time to speak to you alls” he begins. “ I had to take care of myself and think about what happened to understand how I got to this point and make the right decisions for the future.. » he declares. Kendji Girac wanted to let justice do its job, and that is now done.

« I’m better » he said, so he can speak. With his words. “ I really regret everything that happened. Before the accident and for some time, I had developed bad habits. I got into a spiral that I don’t wish on anyone. (…) I got lost, all that, it’s not part of me, I’m not a boy like that. (…) I want to apologize.«

Before continuing: “ I don’t know what happened. I want to go back to being the boy I was. (…) The most important thing is tounderstand and get help so you don’t do it again. This is what I’m doing today » specifies Kendji Girac. “I want to apologize to those I hurt (…) God gave me this second chance, it’s not for nothing. It’s to make things even more beautiful. (…) All that is behind mei. »

The love and support of his family, his public, his professional entourage gave him a lot of strength. “ Thank you, thank you, thank you for being kind to me, for not judging me when I hurt you. It’s up to me to show you who I am, to regain your trust. Since actions are needed, I will do everything to be up to the task. »

His message to caregivers and justice

To conclude this video of more than 4 minutes, Kendji Girac would like to address the nursing staff who took care of him “at the time of the tragedy” as well as the justice system.

He thanks the investigators and the prosecutor of Mont-de-Marsan for not having ” made a decision too quickly » and who went to great lengths to understand this complex situation.



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