the not-tender words of his ex-collaborator against his son, “Xavier discovered…”

the not-tender words of his ex-collaborator against his son, “Xavier discovered…”
the not-tender words of his ex-collaborator against his son, “Xavier discovered…”

Geneviève de Fontenay died on August 1, 2023 in Saint-Cloud (Hauts-de-Seine). The 90-year-old woman left behind the Miss France legacy, of which she chaired the committee for several decades. On Tuesday June 25, his latest collaborator, Hubert Guérin unveiled the work The last secrets of the lady in the hat (Ed. Verona), which returns to his journey. In the columns of Galathe author wanted to mention his complex relationship with his son Xavier. According to him, Geneviève de Fontenay was “very anxious about death” in the last years of his life. “She imagined that her son would not do what he was supposed to do at the time of his death. The pain of his life was Xavier” he confided.

Xavier de Fontenay would have “always considered himself of superior intelligence”

First appearing to be close to her son, Geneviève de Fontenay would then have had disagreements with him over the management of the Miss France company. Asked about their latest reportsHubert Guérin explained: “I think that Xavier discovered at the end of Geneviève’s life that he had a mother and that he was not going to have the choice to take care of her, quite simply because there was no one left.”. For several years, Xavier de Fontenay was remained in his mother’s shadow, observing her leading the Miss France committee with an iron fist. A situation that he was not necessarily experiencing (…)

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