“A complex young woman”: Angelina Jolie opens up about her daughter Vivienne, to whom she is very close

“A complex young woman”: Angelina Jolie opens up about her daughter Vivienne, to whom she is very close
“A complex young woman”: Angelina Jolie opens up about her daughter Vivienne, to whom she is very close

Angelina Jolie has always maintained a close relationship with her six children. Last year, the actress also produced the musical The Outsiders on Broadway and worked alongside his daughter Vivienne, who played the role of volunteer assistant. In an interview given to Deadline This past June 10, the 49-year-old actress spoke about this project, but also about her daughter.

“My daughter Viv loves the theater. She appreciates everything about the theater (…). She went to see The Outsiders in La Jolla about five times and told me about it. I read the book and saw the movie years ago.”she remembers. “As a mother, I really saw the effect this show had on my daughter, what she told me about herself. I learned what was important to her and why it was so deeply connected to her”she adds.

Angelina Jolie: her daughter Vivienne “invested” and “curious”

During the interview, Angelina Jolie made some confidences about Vivienne who became “a complex young woman”. But if the 15-year-old girl likes it so much The Outsidersit is because there is “lots of depth and authenticity” with some “feelings and difficult topics” which are addressed and which resonate within her. “I think that for many young people, especially these days, times are difficult, and they need to talk about it, to know what allows them to overcome the challenges of life,” adds the ex-wife of Brad Pitt.

If Angelina Jolie was particularly invested in this project, the same is true for her daughter Vivienne, as the director said Danya Taymor has Deadline. “She was so invested, so curious. She watched the show and made very relevant observations: she has an eye, it’s incredible. Both were wonderfully supportive, which helped make the show better.” she declared.



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