His parents’ “original strategy” to increase his fortune

His parents’ “original strategy” to increase his fortune
His parents’ “original strategy” to increase his fortune

A footballer who unleashes passions. After being honored in Correspondent last January, this Thursday June 13 at 8:50 p.m.it is the BFMTV news channel which dedicates its new episode of Red line at number 10 of the French football team and Paris Saint-Germain. A documentary titled Kylian Mbappé, the master of the game And already available on the RMC BFM Play platform, which retraces the highlights of the athlete’s career, from his beginnings at AS Bondy to the recent announcement of his departure for Real Madrid. The opportunity to learn a little more about his standoff with Tamim ben Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar who tried everything to keep him at PSGor on his notable positions against police violence and racism.

Kylian Mbappé: this embarrassing nickname given to him by his comrades

This new issue of Red line takes us into the footballer’s childhood and adolescence. We discovered that at the age of 12, Kylian Mbappé was already a prodigy, both in terms of his legs and his head, and was diagnosed as a precocious child. Then admitted to the prestigious Clairefontaine training center, his comrades found him to have an unfavorable nickname: “Kylian Mbébé”. In question, his frail appearance and his rather sullen character, according to a speaker in the documentary broadcast this Thursday on BFMTV. A detail that does not stop his meteoric rise.

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Kylian Mbappé: a millionaire player surrounded by his parents

When at the age of 16, the young footballer signed a contract with AS Monaco, he immediately became a millionaire. To reach such sums so quickly, his parents put in place a strategy original based on a strict distribution of roles”tell Red line. While his father, Wilfrid Mbappé Lottin, strictly manages everything related to football, his mother, Fayza Lamari, takes care of the financial side. The latter’s good idea: refuse the services of sports agents, traditional intermediaries between players and their club, and instead hire a lawyer, Delphine Verheyden. “In the industry, she was a bit of a reference when we talked about everything that involved image, development, protection. (…) She is tough, she does not compromise and she really defends the person of very vehement, very virulent, but fair manner”, indicates another speaker on BFMTV. A strategy which quickly allowed the young Bondynois, when he joined PSG in 2017, to become the man who was worth 180 million.

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