“Pigs”, Vincent Moscato weighs in on “committed artists”

“Pigs”, Vincent Moscato weighs in on “committed artists”
“Pigs”, Vincent Moscato weighs in on “committed artists”

Vincent Moscato doesn’t have his tongue in his pocket. And the former rugby player showed it once again when he was Thibaut Gauthier’s guest on the show Le Figaro, la nuit, this Wednesday, June 12. The journalist takes the personalities on a stroll through his favorite places in the capital.

Vincent Moscato therefore took part in the game. At a table in a restaurant, the political subject came up. And the least we can say is that the one who is now a radio host on RMC in The Moscato Show is not a fan of artists who say ” committed. »

“There are no committed artists” for Vincent Moscato

While the French political situation is in turmoil following the dissolution of the National Assembly and a few days before the new early legislative elections, many personalities are calling to vote and against the National Rally in particular. Vincent Moscato did not hesitate to say what he thought of those who engage in political issues.

For fifty years, when you are on the left, you claim it“, begins Vincent Moscato. “It’s the famous red privilege, you can be a Leninist, a Trotskyite. They’re all assassins but it doesn’t matter, it passes, it slides » he begins, before continuing “ There are no committed artists, there is only playback, I don’t know many who put their lives at the end of their words”he assures. “The resistance fighters, when there is no war, it’s a bit painful all the same! Those who wage war when there is no war.. » Thibaut Gauthier insists on the fact that some are really committed. “ Committed to what, to always say the same stupid things? » retorts the former rugby player.

Before continuing: “ They’re pompous, most of them, you always talk about the qualities you don’t have.” he asserts. “When they talk about generosity, and they don’t even give you the watch…“, he adds. I know a few actors who always make films about society, but in life they are the ones who behave the most like pigs,” he said, before launching: “It’s an actor’s job, but they are also actors in life! »

Notoriety in public debate

Vincent Moscato also discusses notoriety in public debate. For him, you have to do things correctly and not influence. “We must not take this kind of thing as a pedestal to talk about everything and anything“, says Vincent Moscato. “The guys who talk to you about the war in Ukraine, but keep quiet. The war in Ukraine, do you know what it is?

However, he qualifies his speech: “What I mean is, when you want to open up about everything, you have to be an exampleand above all you need to know a little about your subject“, he explains. “If you only have an opinion, keep quiet, don’t try to influence anyone » he concluded.



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