“You can’t steal your audience”: Hélène Ségara confides about her concert event (VIDEO)

“You can’t steal your audience”: Hélène Ségara confides about her concert event (VIDEO)
“You can’t steal your audience”: Hélène Ségara confides about her concert event (VIDEO)

Revealed to the general public in 1996, Hélène Ségara has since released timeless hits like “Vivo per lei”, “She, you love her” or “we never forget anything“. After a journey rich in emotions, the singer will celebrate her 25th career on December 21, 2024 during an exceptional concert at the Salle Pleyel. A unique event where she will reinterpret her greatest hits, enhanced by a grandiose symphony orchestra.

Since her emergence in the 90s, Hélène Ségara has continued to seduce crowds with her powerful voice and her disarming authenticity.

An exceptional evening for a quarter of a century of career

To properly celebrate this quarter of a century of success, the artist will take to the prestigious stage of the Salle Pleyel on December 21, 2024. A unique concert during which she will perform her greatest hits live, rearranged especially for the occasion and accompanied by a major symphony orchestra. “An incredible sound experience” we promise from the production side, which promises to be a real event for all early fans.

The 52-year-old artist should deliver between two cult titles, looking back on the highs and lows of this extraordinary journey.

“You can’t steal your audience”

Invited this Monday June 10, 2024 on the set of C to you on France 5, the unforgettable Esmeralda confirmed to Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine that she will sing all her biggest hits during this concert event.

The former juror of France Has Incredible Talent also made a confession: “I don’t understand artists who have had hits that the public has acclaimed and who then lose their memory and say ‘no, I would like to make the last album’”.

She continues: “I like the new songs, but you can’t steal your audience and not sing them the hits, that’s obvious”.

Proud of her greatest successes, the singer, who also spoke about her difficult childhood, adds: “I can’t arrive on stage without doing ‘Vivo per lei’ or ‘Elle tu m’aimes’, otherwise I’ll get lynched”!

A fierce fight against illness

But behind the glitter and rhinestones there is also a heavy fight that the singer has been waging for several years. In 2021, she revealed that she was suffering from a rare eye disease, macular degeneration, which is gradually making her blind. “I still don’t know what I’m fighting against, but I try everything”, she confided a few weeks ago on the show Sept à Huit.

A mysterious illness which forces him to follow a heavy treatment based on high doses of cortisone. “These were not small doses, 1000 milligrams. So obviously, I arrived in a normal state, I left, I was a popcorn“, she said with a smile, referring to the brutal physical changes caused by taking this substance.

But far from letting herself be defeated, the one we will see very soon in an episode of “Scènes deménage”, continues her career and continues her projects.



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