“I was screaming in pain”: Éric Antoine talks about this shoot which led him directly to the emergency room

“I was screaming in pain”: Éric Antoine talks about this shoot which led him directly to the emergency room
“I was screaming in pain”: Éric Antoine talks about this shoot which led him directly to the emergency room

New presenter of Right priceÉric Antoine made himself known in France has an unbelievable talent on M6. An emblematic juror of the show, he appeared in other shows. In 2020, the father took part in Fort Boyard on France 2. A participation of which he keeps an indelible memory…

The magician’s visit to the emergency room

Indeed, when he leaves for the Fort, Eric Antoine then suffered a dislocated shoulder. He was taking anti-inflammatories at the time. The only problem? During his adventure of Fort Boyard, he ate some chili pepper. An anecdote that he told to RTL this Saturday, May 25. “I didn’t know, pepper and an anti-inflammatory go together very badly, he explained on the microphone ofEric Dussart on RTL. There is a spice scale on the peppers, and this was the maximum. I didn’t want to chew it, so I swallowed it whole.”

In the evening, as soon as the show ends, tragedy strikes. It exploded in my stomach.”has explained Eric Antoine. “I was screaming in pain. I had never experienced pain like that.” Jeremy Ferrari, a friend of the magician, is in the next room. The cries ofEric Antoine are so loud that the comedian hears them through the walls. He joins the man. “We had left the team, we had just arrived at the hotel. We had left the fort. I warned the team, ‘We have to notify the emergency services, I’m in too much pain, it’s not possible’.”

When Éric Antoine shouts, “it’s Godzilla”!

An episode about which had already returned Jeremy Ferrari in the media last February. “Éric Antoine, they made him eat pepper, he ended up in the hospital, he said with a touch of humor on the microphone of the podcast Floodcast. He was in his hotel room, he was screaming! Éric Antoine is very tall, he is 2m tall, but when he screams, it’s Godzilla!

Eric Antoine had passed at night in the emergency room with an intestinal crisis. An adventure that certainly brought the two men together!



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