The figures of the century tell their stories

The figures of the century tell their stories
The figures of the century tell their stories

Match exclusively reveals the personalities present in an exceptional series of major interviews produced by the National Audiovisual Institute.

His dark suit almost blends in with the midnight blue recording studio. His face in the center of the image, we follow Lionel Jospin, the chiseled verb, who opens up like never before. Five hours and forty-five hours of an interview for History during which the former Prime Minister discusses his elimination from the 2002 presidential election, due in particular, according to him, to the multiplication of candidates in his camp. “The left, which governed together effectively for five years, acted as if the Prime Minister who became a candidate was guaranteed to be automatically in the second round… This is a major political and historical mistake. »

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In “Past composed, figures of the century”, the new Ina collection put online from October 12 and which we are revealing exclusively, fourteen personalities trace the thread of their existence, whose imprint has left its mark on society entirely French. “Ina has been collecting interviews for a long time, we have several collections, on the Algerian War, for the memory of the Shoah,” explains Agnès Chauveau, deputy general director. By publishing different books on these subjects, and also republishing them as podcasts, we have reached a new generation. We then said to ourselves that it was important to build the memory of tomorrow, without being constrained by a format. You don’t get four or five hour life stories anywhere else. »

Robert Badinter, Anne Sinclair, Agnès b., Nicole Garcia

In this season 1, the former tenor of the bar Henri Leclerc and the former Minister of Justice Robert Badinter were questioned shortly before their disappearance. The latter recounts, with his gaze still mischievous, the famous rehearsal of the televised face-to-face between Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and François Mitterrand, in 1981, where Laurent Fabius played VGE. “Unbelievable face-to-face, filmed! I always regretted that Serge Moati did not keep this recording, notes Badinter, disappointed. Fabius being so good that he had put Mitterrand in difficulty. Why did you destroy that, Serge! This would be a great archive piece! »

Over the course of three hours of rare intensity, journalist Anne Sinclair confides how the affair which caused her relationship with Dominique Strauss-Kahn to explode in 2011 seems to her today to be “very old and foreign”. even if she will “pursue it to the death”. “I can take absolutely any position on Trump or the European election, there will always be someone to remind me whose wife I was and the scandal I witnessed and an actress, in a certain way. » The icon of television journalism also affirms that, if she were a young woman today, she would probably not choose this path… “Because I have the impression that this world, perhaps because I have gotten older and I understand it less well, it has become extremely vague, and the information is so difficult to grasp. All forms of truth and lies happen to you, it scares me. »

The collection is also intended to enter classrooms

The choice of emblematic personalities of our time (the designer Agnès b., the sociologist and philosopher Edgar Morin, the actress and director Nicole Garcia, the historian Michelle Perrot, etc.) is the result of collective work. “A committee of experts recommended names in the sectors of the economy, justice, arts and entertainment, politics, etc.,” explains Mileva Stupar, director of heritage at Ina, which has nearly two billion videos viewed per year.

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These interviews, which each required dozens of hours of work in total (with historians, librarians), complete the collective memory and document the collective history. » The collection is also intended to enter classrooms. For better understanding, explanatory notes on proper names, dates, or to recall a certain context, have been added to the transcriptions available when reading the videos. These exciting “Figures of the Century” will have a season 2, expected next spring.



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